Give Me A Chance

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Chapter 21 - Give Me A Chance


Logan rubbed his thumb over her knuckles of her hand that was enclosed in his. She still stroked his hair with her other hand that was actually quite soothing and keeping her calm

"You see I had just gotten out with my MBA. A week later I saw my dad sitting in his chair, this glum look on his face. Our company was bankrupt. And dad could do nothing but see the devastation.

"I saw this as an opportunity to prove myself. So I took over.
I talked to my brothers and well Sean agreed. Dan agreed but he had other ambitions so he invested half the money. Me and Sean, we invested everything."

"Trust funds, I guess?" She supplied

"Well, yes. But our trust funds just weren't enough. So we had to find investors. Somehow we got the company running. But Dad was now paranoid.

"He made a back up plan if ever we brothers failed.

"Sydney's father, Nolan was my father's best friend. But the guy was one mean businessman. He agreed to help the company financially if I married her. I assured dad that we will be able to bring back the company back to stability in a year. If not, I'll go through with the marriage."

"Why marriage?"

"Sydney is the type of a girl who wouldn't settle down even if it was the last thing she'd have to do. We have been friends since we were in diapers. She's more like a sister to me. Nolan doesn't like it that his daughter travels alot going for photo shoots and stuff."

"Wow. I hate Sydney." Lexi frowned as she had insane urge to punch Sydney

"That was something I didn't expect you to say."

"I will kill her. She deliberately rubbed it in my face that she was the one who's going to marry you."

"Didn't I tell you that I think of her as my sister?" Logan frowned.

"Maybe she -"

"Lexi, she doesn't love me that way. She just likes to annoy the hell out of me. And you." He frowned at her in annoyance

"Oh great. Just because I said a few words against her, you're going to get angry at me. So what if I am jealous?"

"You have nothing to be jealous of."

"Well , I wouldn't have to if she hadn't made me. Why are we even fighting? I shouldn't even care whom you date and whom you marry."

"Are we back to this again?" He said exasperatedly

"I don't want any more burden in my life." She grumbled

"So I am a burden now?" His fingers stilled, jaw tightened.

"Relationships are burden."she pointed out.

"It is, if you make it a burden. If you don't, then you'll find that you actually have someone other than an empty home to come back to."

"Well, I do have Tess in my life."

"Yeah, right. As if a sister is much better than a boyfriend."

"It is." She insisted.

"I can think a number of things that a sister cannot do."

"One night stands can." She answered as she caught his train of thought

"And look where it got you."

Lexi gritted her teeth

He was sure as hell annoying the hell out of her. She didn't want roses and aine and dine kind of stuff. She was never the one to dream of a white picket fence and children.

Okay so she once had wished that a knight in shining armor would come and take her away.

Instead she got a fairy godmother- god-grandfather or whatever- who gave her something to start her new life with.

And Tessa had always been there taking care of her.

Love has never been what she wanted or looked around for.

Her struggle was always for success. Either it be hers or her sisters. Being independent was her motto. Never again she would rely on anyone.

If something knocked her down, she would get up all by herself. But Logan was one strong bulldozer who did not just manage to crack her strong walls but he even crumbled into small stones and sand.

And that irritated the hell out og her.

But some part of her, which was nagging her constantly. The part which shouted in her mind to take a chance with Logan was loud enough to shove her other reasonable part to the back of her mind.

"What are you doing to me babe?" She said as she caressed his cheek with the back of her number.

"Feel this?" He asked as he rested their joined hands on his racing heart.

"See how fast it is beating. I bet yours is at the same pace as mine. Then why deny what you feel."he continued to hypnotize her with his beautiful eyes and his voice

"It's more than just sex. But it scares the living shit out of me. Just sex doesn't complicate things Logan. But you make me want all of these stuff, I shouldn't have."

"Give me a chance."

"You've canceled all your meetings today. We wouldn't want this time to go to waste, right?" she said after pondering for a moment

Logan just sat up and pulled her head for a kiss.


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