Sean. Run.

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Chapter 31 - Sean. Run.


"This is bad."

"Tell me something I don't know." Sean sat back and rubbed a hand on his face.

Sean looked like a younger version of Logan.

She could make out the similarities between the brothers.

  But where Logan's eyes were blue, Sean's eyes were hazel. And Logan was a little taller than Sean.

She waved for a waiter.


"One hazelnut latte and a cappuccino."

"Um, do you guys have any scotch?"

"Sean."she said exasperated with his groaning and whining.

"Just kidding."

Taking that as a dismissal, the waiter left.

"I think you have some ideas on how to turn this around."

"I thought you were here to 'fix this'" he said quoting her words when she had told him as she barged in his office. 

"I just need your take on this."

"We had everything planned. We had this land, near the park. Everything would've been gone smoothly if only the delivery of construction supplies was on time. It wasn't and the workers couldn't do anything. It was four weeks late. One of the board directors got wind of this. And everything went downhill from there."

"Asshole." She muttered.  The waiter came with their beverages and she took a moment to think.

"So what happened?"

"The construction is delayed. If my guess was correct, we'd have been bringing in millions."

"How many months?"

"Around  14 to 16 months."


The wheels in her brain started spinning.

She sat back processing the information Sean had supplied. Okay. Now that Logan was getting married in a week, they didn't have more days to wait.

All she needed was one big-ass resort. Which could get ready in a week. Or maybe not in a week. A month would do.

Since George Hunt wouldn't wait for 14 months, he might take a chance on one month. It was the shortest time period she could convince his father.

"So what you now need is a miracle."

She said as she leaned forward and lifted her cup for a sip


"Or a resort?"

"Don't be absurd. We can't buy anything anymore. Our every penny was spent on this one construction."

Okay. So they were trapped. Where would she find a huge resort. She would've agreed to give money. But Logan wouldn't accept that.

She needed a land

She needed a resort on a big ass land.

And suddenly it clicked

"What if you get one?"

"What do you mean?"

"There's this house. Its more like a mansion. Needs a bit tinkering. Maybe a lot of tinkering. It'll be ready in three to four weeks, if you're up for the challenge."

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