I'll Owe You One

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Chapter 4 - I'll Owe You One


Oh, he knew that mischievous twinkle in Sydney's eyes as she walked - no, sashayed - to him and plastered herself to his arm. She had turned on the beauty-with-no-brains act.

"Fiancé? " Lexi asked in a cold voice. She didn't seem even a tad bit rustled by their kiss. Was her heart not beating as fast as his was?

"Yes. We were meant to be together. Five months ago, we got engaged. Not officially. I mean he hasn't proposed to me yet." She giggled. Logan glared at her

She continued ignoring his glare "We decided we would do that publicly. But since we've got things to cover up before that, we thought to wait for a year, didn't we darling? " she gave him a sickeningly sweet smile and fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"Syd" he growled in a low voice, warning her.

She pinched him and he gave her a scowl that had most people peeing in their pants. Sydney didn't seem even a tad bit flustered. What was happening to him?

"I would like it if you'll keep this silent. We don't want to ruin our surprise." Sydney continued in a serious voice

Logan glanced at Lexi, who's face had gone stone cold. He groaned inwardly.

Tessa, Lexi's assistant, he guessed, came back with two cups of coffee at the very moment he was going to make his so .

Lexi clapped her hands twice getting the girls attention.

"Everyone on the ramp. One last rehearsal. Come on girls."

Sydney left with the girls who were standing in the doorway, not before she left a big fat kiss on his cheek.

Oh Sydney and her pranks. That girl was going to be the death of him. Why she had thought it would be good to declare their engagement in front of all those women, he didn't know. But he knew he was going to strangle her.

When everyone went inside, Lexi turned to Tessa.

"Tessa, please show Mr. Hunt the way out." Damn, her voice was cold enough to freeze the whole room

"Oh come on. Lexi. Don't believe her."

She raised an eyebrow
"Are you saying you are not engaged?"

"Not yet." he said through gritted teeth.

"Which means you're going to be."

"It's not official yet. We haven't even decided on anything."

"Are you saying that you weren't engaged to her when you slept with me?"

Logan felt his jaw tic. "No."

"That is enough for me. Get out."

"It's complicated. Why are you getting so worked up?."

"You cheated on her." She snarled

"I didn't." He pinched the bridge of his nose." It's complicated, Le-"

" Five months. You have been engaged for five months. Aghh. You men, are incorrigible."

"I told you we aren't engaged yet. Not officially atleast" he grumbled

"That doesn't mean that you two aren't together. I don't like being the other woman. You might sleep with hundreds of 'em. I'm not like that. I'm not going to be the person who breaks someone's marriage"

He took a deep breath. "I said it's complicated. I would explain my situation to you, if you'd give me a chance. But what I really came here is to ask a favor. "

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