Show Me

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Chapter 19 - Show Me


Logan's lips crashed on hers and she was shocked.

She couldn't move. She melded her lips to his. She had been reluctant at first.

But then she let go of her inhibitions. How could she not when Logan was giving her something she wanted her whole life. Someone to lean on.

She slid her hands to his neck playing with the little hairs at the nape of his neck.

Logan seemed to respond at her touch as he groaned and deepened the kiss.

His tongue fluttered over her lips and she parted her lips to let him in.

She was going to melt in a puddle just because of his kiss.

As he broke the kiss and rested her forehead against hers, she was afraid to open her eyes.

She was afraid that if she'd open her eyes, Logan would dissipate into thin air and this would all turn into some sweet dream where she was left alone at the end.

"God." He groaned. "You have no idea how much I missed you." he whispered,  his breath coming in pants. She could feel his breath on her lips.

Hell, she hadn't forget the feel of his lips since the first time she kissed him.

Alexis knew this was a bad idea. A very, very bad idea. But she had always, always been in control. For once, she seemed to want to lose control.

Logan made her feel free.he made her feel safe. Most of all, he was someone she could lean on. Even if this was temporary. She didn't want to think about Sydney or Tessa and Dave. She didn't even seemed to care to even ponder about what was happening or rather going to happen between them.

All she knew was Logan was here and she wanted him.

"Show me" she whispered back.


Lexi loved the smell of the cushion. She snuggled a little more against it. 

Hmmm. Warm and hard with a musky smell. Like Logan. She loved his smell. She snuggled a little more against it and something around her waist tightened.

Just like that her eyes flew open.

And in front of her was a muscled chest in display. Her gaze treaded to find his face a mere inches from hers.

And she remembered last night.

First thought that crossed her mind was to fled.

But then she just wanted to lie here with him.

After the first round of sex, Logan had cuddled her like she was a teddy bear. His arm wound around her waist as if he was afraid that she would wake up in the middle of the night and leave him alone.

He was still sleeping on his back,  his eyes closed his breaths even.

She had rested her head on his chest, her arm around his stomach; correction- well- chiseled stomach and her leg thrown over his.

She was completely plastered to his side. And he seemed to like it since he would tighten his hold around her at her every move.

She seemed to like it. Liked his affection. And his kisses. And a hell of a lot more of him.

She rested her chin on his chest as she gazed at his handsome face.

"Morning, sugar" he murmured as his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning." She smiled at him.

"You up for another round?"

"You are insatiable."she slapped his chest playfully.

They had shortly fell asleep two hours ago after he woke her up for the second-or was it third?- round of sex.

And she was sore in all the right places.

He reached behind him and kept pushing things aside to grab his phone.

He dialed someone and answered with an, "Cancel all my meetings today."

Someone on the other side said something that made his eyes harden.

"Let me remind you I pay you to do as you're told and not to question me. Last warning, Myra. Cancel all my meetings." And he clicked it off.

"That was rude."

"I don't like the fact that people question my motives. Especially my secretary."

"But don't you think you'd be lost without her. Hell I agree that I am lost without Tess, why am I not yet letting her get her own job."

"Really? That is why youre sister is your assistant? "

"No. Maybe one of the many reasons. But another thing is Tessa is kind of a two in one for me. Plus she doesn't want to leave my side."

"Two in one?"he asked.

"Yep. She's a lawyer. She handles all my cases."

"You've made a lawyer as your PA." he scowled.

"She doesn't want to leave me. I tried everything. I had her interview scheduled with the Clarksons. She wouldn't go. She just completed her internship. I asked her if she wanted to open her own firm, she refused. I even bought a whole floor for her. That floor is still sitting empty there." She said exasperatedly.

"Why would she do that?"

"She feels responsible for me. I don't know where she got it in her head that she has to stick to me till the end."

"You are no less. Even you are protective of her. Maybe she thinks she has to stick to you so you don't worry about her."

"It's not that. I know why she does it. I just don't want her to give her life up for me."

"If you know the reason why, why don't you just talk to her."

"I have tried everything I can. All she says is you gave me everything.  I just want to smack that girl and bring her to her senses."she sighed.

"What does that even mean?"

Lexi wanted to smack herself now. What was this - a confession group.

Why she said all of this to Logan, she didn't know. But suddenly she wanted to get this all off her chest.

She sat up and slapped away Logan's hand that came at her to drag her back to bed.

"C'mon get up. I'll tell you everything. But not before I get my coffee."


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