As For Your Interference

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Chapter 12- As For Your Interference


Logan was amused, seeing how dazzed Lexi was. Amused that he could elicite a reaction from her. A reaction, other than anger and sadness.

Lexi fled his room as fast as possible, not before she told him to meet at her office at 3 that day.

He had almost forgotten that he had called Chris early for the retrenchment.


He hurriedly showered. Donned on his crisp white shirt, blue checkered tie, black trouser pants. A black vest and a black blazer.

If you're the boss, don't just act like one, appear like one; his father used to say.

After slipping his shoes, he hurriedly attached the bluetooth device to his ear, a Rolex watch on his wrist. His wallet, phone etc in his pocket. And he was ready to go.

He slipped through the door before Dave could even open his eyes.

He reached a little before nine.

Two hours of talking with Chris about all of his staff, he decided to cut off almost ten people.

The fact that he'd have to let people go when his dad had given him the job was going to be a topic of the week for the rest of his staff. He had to trust his actions if he wanted his staff to do so.

Chris left with all the files with Lily, his intern, trailing behind him carrying half of his load.

After lunch Logan spent the rest of his time on site.

By the time it was 3, Logan was already exhausted.

All he wanted was to meet Lexi too. But what mood would she be in? Anger, sad or just plain blank.

He shook the thoughts of her away and told his driver the address to Mirage.

As soon as he reached, he raked a hand through his hair.

As he walked in, a girl directed him towards the elevator.

As he reached the top floor, he saw Tessa standing there, her arms folded against her chest.

"Were you glaring at the elevator this whole time?"

"Nope, the moment you're close my asshole-meter shoots high."

His eyes narrowed.

"Watch who you're talking to lady"

"What are you gonna do? Ruin my life? Well, I'd like to see you try."

"Tess, just let him in"

Tessa turned her back on him and walked away not even looking back to see if he followed or not.

"What did I ever do to you?" He muttered.

"Let's just say you upsetting my sister doesn't sit right with me."

Logan didn't say a word.

What could he say when even he'd do the same thing if it were Sean or Dan or Dave.

Tessa pushed the door and entered inside not even keeping it open for Logan. Logan all but glared at Tessa as he entered.

If he hadn't been paying attention, he would've walked straight into it and smashed his face.

He walked in and saw Lexi sitting behind her desk. A relaxed position. But what snagged his attention was the blonde girl that sat in front of her.

"Good evening, Mr Hunt" Alexis said in a clipped voice.

"Good evening, Ms. Beckett."

Tessa came forward with a file and sat on a chair next to Lexi.

"You see, Mr Hunt every model that works for me signs a contract. I would've kept this between me and Sydney. But your interference can cause me some problems."

Logan sat straight. She was purely in business mode.

"What interference are we talking about here?"

"We'll come to that." She replied. "First I want to address you to the issue as to why I called you."

Lexi slid a file forward.

"I have decided to introduce Sydney as the new face of Mirage. Whatever offers, photoshoots she accepts or denies should be notified to me."

"Why so?" Sydney asked timidly

"Because misbehaviour of yours can bring the reputation of Mirage down which I won't tolerate. Alicia will be your manager. What you do outside? Whom you marry? Whom you have affair with? doesn't concern me. But when it comes to the image of me and my company, I have all the rights to terminate the contract if I find you not heeding to my warnings.

"Being drunk on the set. Not being punctual to the shoots. Going against my ethics. I won't tolerate any of this. Neither your excuses.

"This is a three year contract which says I cannot terminate you before the time period mention without a valid reason.

"This contract becomes null and void if you by any chance go against any one of the terms of the contract.

Lexi took a deep breath.

"Now to the good part. You are to be the showstopper of my shows for the next three year. Doesn't mean you get each and every show. You're to be present for every party Mirage organizes. You are representing not just yourself but Mirage too, so think before you act

"As I am not only the founder of Mirage but also a fashion designer, I will want you to be in each and every of my shows regardless of the fact you have accepted any other show. I hope you do not disappoint me with the attitude. Do not let the attitude turn to arrogance and you and I will work along just fine."

She cleared her throat.

"Read the contract, any additions you think should be added, notify it to me.

Sydney just looked at Lexi.

"Is this for real?"

Lexi smiled,"Yes sweetie. It is."

Sydney looked awed and then she turned to him.

Logan was happy for her. A slow smile spread on her face.

Sydney then cleared her throat and slid the file towards her.

"You've got a day to think about it. Remember you cannot terminate the contract between us if you feel like it suddenly. You will be bound to this company for three whole years."

Sydney nodded her head frantically as she slipped the file into her purse.

Then Lexi turned that blank face towards Logan.

"As for your interference, Mr. Hunt..."

Uh-oh last time when he walked out the door he was told he'd be the showstopper for one of her shows.

What was next?


Sorry for the late updates guys

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