A Date With A Billionaire

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Chapter 15- A Date With A Billionaire


She was going to kill her sister.

Lexi didn't know why she had to do this.

She was sure as hell going to kill Tessa. Even if Tessa did her daily coffee runs and cooked for her and did everything easier for her, she was still going to kill Tessa.

Who sends a sister to a fundraiser with her boyfriend? Only Tess.

Dave had come precisely at 7 at her door in a nice tux, hair all slicked back, a bouquet of flowers in hand and a very big smile on his face.

Lexi invited him in and his smile turned to a frown as he saw Tess wrapped up in a cocoon of sheets as she sniffed or blew her nose with a tissue.

Apparently Miss Smartypants forgot to tell Dave that she was too ill to attend a fundraiser.

And dear sister didn't want her date to ditch this fundraiser or go alone as Dave had an important part in it.

After a much pleading, Lexi ordered a chicken soup from a hotel as she did not want to poison her sister with her horrible cooking.

Lexi dressed up in a Venus cut emerald green floor length gown that Tessa had once designed and she had it stitched.

The top was heavily embroidered. The silk skirt ran straight with a slit at the side. A belt of green gems that was in the middle that separated the top with the skirt. She paired it with her golden strappy stilettos.

As much as she would've loved to put this dress in her show, Tessa begged to keep this dress as just Lexi's.

So here she was again dressed up for a party. She had been to tons of parties in just a month just to introduce Sydney.

She worked the rest of the time in designing or stitching or yelling at the supplier who didn't have enough cloth for her new design.

She did notj7uq want a single minute free because she knew if she even took a break for a second her mind would replay the last time she met Logan.

The guilt was eating her up. Guilt that she'd hurt him, that she'd pushed him too much that he gave up on her. She hated that the later part was what hurt her too much.

Lexi smiled at a one of her designer friend.

"Well, well. Looks like you not only snagged one but two men's attention." Lexi turned to see Kayla standing next to her.

"What are you talking about?" Lexi asked Kayla

"There's Dave" she gestured to the man standing with a few men.

"And then there's Logan."

Lexi's spine went ramrod straight. "What about Logan?"

"Nothing. We just met the other day and talked."

Damn it. Why did that make her jealous. But she intended on not showing it.

"Ok. So?"

"He talked about you."

"Wait. So you guys went on a date and talked about me." Lexi frowned

"I did not say it was a date."

"Did you two go out?"

"Yes but-"

"Just the two of you?"

"Yes but-"

"For a dinner?"


"Did he pay?"

"It's my restaurant. Why would he pay?"

"Sounds like a date to me."

Kayla gaped at her and then suddenly burst out laughing catching attention of the few people around them.

"Stop it." She hissed.

"You're so cute when you're jealous."

"I am not" she shrugged her shoulders and walked towards Dave with a smile.

As she reached him, she turned her head a little to the side and saw Logan being dragged by Sydney.

It had been a month since she last saw him. And the attraction to him was still there.

And her jealousy too as she saw how Logan smiled at Sydney or how she beamed at him.

As Logan was separated, he turned his head towards her and as she turned her head away, she stumbled and Dave held her by the waist before she could fall.

"Whoa. Woman, we do not want both the sisters lying on bed and crying in pain now, do we?."

She straightened and she saw Logan out of the corner of her eye and saw him standing stiff, his jaw tightened as he looked at her and Dave.

Well, didn't she love the jealousy that coursed through him.

She plastered herself to his arm.

"Whoa. Wait. What are yiu doing?"

"Well if you want to save your balls then you'll just go along with it." She hissed.

He looked up a moment and then back at her with a big wide smile.

"Making cousin jealous? This is going to be one amazing night." He suddenly reached in his pocket and sighed.

"As much as I would love to annoy my brother, I have to go. But you know just to antagonize him.." he leaned down and kissed her cheek. " You're one good woman." And he left her there.

She turned to see Logan's reaction but he was nowhere to be found.

She took a champagne flute from a nearby waiter and proceeded to find a seat as a host came on the stage and declared that the main event was going to start.

She found her seat and such a coincidence it was when she saw Sydney and Kayla sitting tjere already.

Kayla gave her a smirk as she saw Lexi approach.

"Any idea what the event is going to be?" She asked as she took a seat between Sydney and Kayla

"Dave didn't tell you?" Kayla asked.

"Dave? Dave Miles?" Sydney asked.

"Yes. Dave Miles." She answered to Sydney "And no. He didn't tell me a thing about this." She waved around as she turned to Kayla.

"It's an auction."

"Auction?" Lexi frowned.

Sydney and Kayla looked at each other and than at her with a smile.

"For a date with a billionaire"


Hey guys.

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Plus I am thinking of putting up one of my stories for the 'Your Story India'.

Give my other stories a try too. And let me know if you think it's worthy of putting up for the contest.

And thank you for all your votes guys. Thank you all.


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