One Day, Syd

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Chapter 14 - One Day Syd


"Will you stop this?"

"Stop what?" Logan asked as he just went through the papers. .

"This" Sydney said as she waved her hand around.

Logan looked up at his fiancée.

"I don't understand what you are referring to."

"Will you stop talking like that?"

Logan sighed.

"What do you want, Syd?"

"I want you to get off that chair and do something else. Something that doesn't mean drown yourself in more work. I am worried for you."

"I don't see any reason for you to be worried for me."

Sydney flopped down on the chair with a long sigh.

"Why can't you tell me what happened that day?"

"Because it's none of your concern"

"This is not the Logan I know."

Logan was frustrated, now. He wanted Sydney to go away and leave him alone to his work.

"Sydney I have a company to run. Either you be clear in what you want to tell me or just leave me be."

"Oh this is how it's gonna be now huh?"

Logan sighed. He checked his watch. It was 4.

He sighed and said, "Look Abigail has organized a fundraiser today. Now I don't remember how she succeeded in getting a yes from me," he frowned thinking back to his conversation with Abigail, a woman who ran a charity for abused women, for which he was the lead donor. "I have to pose as an eligible bachelor billionaire" Sydney rolled her eyes as Logan's lips curled in a smug smile.

"You'll be coming with me as my date."

"Wow that's a nice of asking."

Logan glared at her and she laughed.

"Why don't you ask Lexi?"

Logan ignored her question. Just like he ignored the pang of hurt that pinched somewhere in the middle of his chest.

"So I want you to bid for me. I swear Sydney if you leave me to those bimbos, I will kill you."

Sydney rolled her eyes.

"I am serious." Logan frowned at her.

"Yeah. Well I got a party to dress up for."

"So you'll need a dress right? I'll ask Sean to-"

"No" she said in a panicked voice.

"I mean I have a dress. Lexi has this amazing dress designed which I'll wear for the party."

Logan narrowed his eyes and Sydney fidgeted under his scrutinized gaze.

"If it's fine with you, then it's fine with me. I'll pick you up at seven."

Sydney hugged him and turned to leave when he stopped her

"I'll have my driver drop you at your apartment."

"Thanks darling."

And Logan grimaced at that endearment.


Logan was seated in his Black limo waiting for Sydney.

His driver opened the door for her as she entered muttering,"I am so so sorry"

Logan knew she would never be down on time.

Something was always amis for her.

Like the earing she thought she lost, but was safely tucked in box, the clutch she misplaced when it was right there on the dressing table or the lipstick which was either too dark or too light.

"Well, you always say that. I don't even know why I don't tell you to be ready half an hour before the actual time."

"Don't you just love me Logan?" She batted her eyelashes and Logan just rolled his eyes at her.

There was a comfortable silence between them as they approached the destination.

As they reached, Sydney took Logan's hand and squeezed. Logan never liked cameras, even if it was for a minute or so and he was grateful to have a friend beside him.

He stepped down first as the door opened and he held his hand out for Sydney.

She took it and stood straight beside Logan and looped her arm with his.

She would make a perfect trophy wife. She knew how to handle things in a party. And carry on a conversation. And not insult him in front of people.

But still his heart didn't want Sydney.

Actually his heart would never want anyone in particular. He never believed in love. What is parents had was rare. He and his brothers sucked in the relationship department. There were always the gold-digger whores who had an innocent face. And Logan had once fallen prey to that innocent act. Never again.

They walked in together as cameras flashed around.

Thank god for security. Abigail never let the paparazzi hound her guests.

They went in and Sydney sighed. There were men in suits, ladies in designer dresses flaunting how expensive they looked.

"If it weren't for Abigail, I would've never come to a party. Lexi has already made me attend loads of them. I am tired of them already." She whined but never did her straight ramrod posture or that smile pasted on her face, wavered.

"Why attend so much parties?"

"That's how you're introduced in the circle. A designer sees you. Sees that you're with Alexis Beckett. And then they start coming to you talking about their designs and fashion lines and how they don't have a showstopper for their upcoming show. Or how they have this photo shoot for magazine and they want me to pose for it."

"Sounds... exhausting."

"It is. You should see the bags under her eyes. She stays up late for these parties with me. And then she's up at 6 and already out of the house for her morning run."

"Hmm I see." He did not want to talk about Lexi now. He was trying to forget her, damn it. And here Sydney was babbling about her reminding him about his night with her, or that kiss they shared when he met her after two whole months, or that chaste kiss in his bedroom, or that feel of her hand in his hair as she woke him up that morning, or-

"Huh?" he shook out his thoughts away as Sydney's voice registered and he remembered where he was.

"What happened?"

"Oh, um, nothing" her face was blank except for that fake smile.

"One say, Syd, I am going to get you to open up to me"

"For now, let's just get me a drink."

They moved forward to the bar. As she sipped her wine, Logan was separated from Sydney.

He was talking with one of his friend when he saw the most beautiful brunette pass by.

The green emerald dress she wore hugged her body showing of her curves. She turned every heads. Men stared at her in a way that made Logan jealous.

Why did she hate him so much?

And why the hell was she clinging to his cousin's arm?


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- Nami

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