Because I Am A Sadist

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Chapter 18-
Because I Am A Sadist


Oh damn. Why did he have to turn at the exact moment she pushed the dress off of her shoulders?

He shook away those thoughts. and threaded his fingers with hers. It just felt right. As if she belonged right there, with him.

They walked down the beach. Logan walked all the way till his feet was immersed in the cold water.

"So how are you?"

" I am fine." She lied. But Logan knew better.

He let the silence hang between them. After a few seconds she sighed and continued

"No. I am not fine."

"What happened? "

"That's what happens everytime I get a model to sign the contract with Mirage. There are parties and meetings. Plus there has to be a track of what all she does in her professional life. Other than that, I am really worried for Tess. And then there's the paparazzi who wouldn't leave me for a second. Sometimes I feel it would've been better if I would've just stayed in the shadows and worked under Mirage's name."

"That's a lot of stress."

"Well, you are under stress too. Sydney tells me you've been drowning yourself in work."

Logan narrowed his eyes, "Sydney talked to you about me?"

"Yes" she frowned "now that I think, she used to talk about you around me, every time."

Logan shook his head.

"She is a terrible match-maker."

She turned her frown into a scowl "What are you talking about? "

He just smiled and shook his head, "Never mind."

They strolled around for a few more minutes until Lexi just dropped down on the sand.

"I am not sitting here, This is Armani."

"Oh shut up and just sit. I'll stitch you a new one. Exactly like the one you're wearing. And please don't say you cannot ruin because somebody gave you this. I'll die of laughter"

Logan chuckled as he dropped down beside her.

She looked ahead at the water and Logan sat there studying her.

A whole month. One whole month without seeing her had made him cranky.

She rested her head on his shoulder and he threw his arm around her shoulder.

She relaxed in his hold.

"So Dave." He started

"What about Dave?"

"Are you dating him?"

She didn't say anything and it just raised his ire.

"Are you dating him Lexi?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know what to think."

"No. I am not" she assured

He let the silemce hang and let her continue. He wanted an answer and he wasn't going to say anything until she gave him the truth.

"My sister was supposed to go with him. But she fell sick and she didn't want Dave to appear at the function alone. That doesn't mean I am dating him"

"Then why did you let him kiss you?"

"You're asking an awful lot of questions" she raised her head from his shoulder.

"Why?" He asked looking in her eyes searching her answers.

"Because I like to see you so jealous."

"I am so not jealous." He huffed as he turned his head.

"Cool. Then it would be okay to say that Dave kisses better than you do"

He growled and glowered at her.
"So jealous." She said with a smirk on his face.

Oh. She was just playing around. And Logan wanted to slap himself.

"Why would you want to hurt me like that?"

"Because I am a sadist."


She dissolved in laughter.

"Oh my god. Look at you. All bewildered. That was so worth it.And who poses a question like that? Why would you want to hurt me like that? " she mimicked him

"You have a bad sense of humor" He grumbled. A small smile touched his lips.

"Why do you think I would make you jealous?"

"Maybe you just hate me"

"I could never hate you babe." She said softly.

And that's when it clicked.

"You were jealous yourself, weren't you?"

She nodded.

"Even though it's difficult to hate
her, I certainly do not like the word your fiancée when it comes to her"

"I did not expect you to be so straightforward."

"Will this make you stay a few feet away from her?"

"We've never even kissed." He confessed.

"Yeah, right" she snorted.

"I am serious."

"And I am the queen of England."

He faced her, " I swear, I have never ever kissed Sydney"

"Then why the hell are you marrying her?"

"We haven't decided anything yet."

"Aren't you guys engaged?"

"Not yet" he said exasperatedly

"Then why would Sydney call you her fiancé?" oh he loved how she made a face everytime she said the word. It was like she couldn't digest the word.

"Because she just likes to annoy me."

"Can we please stop this topic. I don't want to know what is happening between you two. This one night I am just going to not think."

"Well, then what do you want to talk about?"

"How about we just sit here for a while and then head home?"

"I am not going to let you go anywhere until the sun rises." .

"This is a bad idea Logan. I thought you'd want me for an hour or so. We both have work tomorrow. We both have companies to run."

"Screw those companies. I just want you to be with me without you pushing me away at every chance. Can't you just give me one night?"

"I gave you one night and see what happened."

"What happened? I met you, you met me. And we have this insanely strong attraction to each other that you deny at every step."

"I have to deny. I've got responsibilities." she raised her voice. He could tell she was getting frustrated. But he just couldn't let her go now.

"Even I got responsibilities."

"You have parents, siblings and cousins and friends to rely on. I've got a girl to look after. I don't have people to rely on. I have nobody if I fail, nobody to catvh me when I fall. Everything is on my shoulder and I cannot set my responsibilities aside, not even for one night. I -"

He couldn't take it anymore, he slid his hand around her nape, pulled her to him and kissed her the way he wanted to since the moment he saw her today.

Love you all people for the votes.

Keep voting lovelies and I'll keep updating as fast as possible.


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