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Phil could feel everyone's eyes on him but what made him most anxious was him, staring at Phil with a sad and puzzled look.

"Welcome to group therapy. Have a seat," the lady said and Phil took a seat near the door and away from Dan who was still staring.

"Everyone, this is Phil." the lady then said and Phil took note that there were only seven people in the room; Dan, two other boys and three girls. Phil was surprised there were more boys than girls and he figured stereotypes weren't always right- well they never were.

"Alright, let's say our names and a word that describes us because we have three new people today! I'm Grace, I'll be your therapist and a words for me, hmm.. shy, I'm quite shy."

Everyone then looked at Phil. Oh.

"Um, I'm Phil and, er... bor- sorry, music."

He felt his face flush red. He was about to say boring but he remembered saying it to Dan and Dan didn't think he was boring. He felt his stomach flip and turned to look at the boy next to him.

"I'm PJ and uh, sketching?" the boy with curly hair said then looked at the boy beside him.

"Chris and acting."

"Jenny, art."

"Daisy, photograph."

"Rose and um... books."

Then all eyes were on Dan and Phil looked at his shaking hands.

"Dan, I'm lame."

Phil looked up at Dan and wondered why Dan would say that. He wasn't lame whatsoever, he was far from lame.

Shut up Phil.

Therapy was as boring as Phil had imagined and it dragged on for three slow hours. He didn't see the point in therapy, he could be doing homework right now but his parents had forced him to go to therapy, group therapy to be specific.

Phil spent the whole time watching the others and their every move for it explained a little peace of what made them who they are.

Daisy seemed to be perfectly fine and bored out of her mind as she would sneak her phone and text every now and then. Phil wondered what brought her here.

PJ seemed quite interesting; he would stare off into space and it was like he was imagining something amazing in his head then would snap out of it whenever Chris attempted to talk to him, look around and then stare at his knees. He stared for about an hour, look around once in a while but sometimes he would change his position and again, he was in a completely different world before Chris would try again.

Jenny was okay; she had a pen and was doodling and her arms full of old and faded scars. She would stop and stare at one person then continue drawing which made Phil uncomfortable when she stared at him.

Rose looked like the gentle and shy kind of girl; she didn't say a word as Grace spoke and she seemed to be trying her best to pay attention, nervously biting her nails and moving her hair from her face that would constantly fall.

Chris was fascinating yet he made Phil feel bad for him; he would whisper thing to PJ and they would both silently laugh but Chris would smile for a little too long and Phil realized he wasn't actually smiling. It was a fake smile and he seemed to have mastered his fake smile and laugh for it looked pretty real. He would make sure no one was watching then let the smile go and look at him arms that were covered my his long sleeves. He seemed so torn and broken even though his smile was so genuine and made him look like the happiest boy alive.

Then Dan. Why did Phil always leave him last for thing? He had no clue. Dan was interesting, of course he was but one thing Phil noticed him do a lot was look at Phil and pick at the skin on his arm. Phil was used to see a smile on lips and his dimples but right now, he looked sad, upset and ready to cry. He seemed so unstable right now, it hurt Phil more than it should have.

One thing everyone here had in common was they all looked like they'd rather be dead then sitting in this room.

Therapy came to an end and everyone looked relieved when Grace put her marker down and turned to everyone. "Alright, our time is up! I'll see you all next week and maybe we can try to talk a little more!"

Everyone stood and stretched then left as quickly as possible. Phil decided to wait for everyone to leave then left but when he stepped outside, someone grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"Dan?" Phil asked quietly.

"You, if you ever tell anyone you saw me here or that I go to therapy, I will... Ugh, I will fucking murder you." Dan threatened in a low voice, his face inches from Phil's.

Phil felt his body freeze but his hands became sweaty. Even though Dan's face was incredibly close, he couldn't help feeling scared.

"I-I wouldn't ever tell anyone," Phil stammered in hopes Dan would move away but Dan looked angry and wasn't moving.

"I don't trust you." Dan scolded.

"Do I look like I'd do that?" Phil said in a pleading tone. "Do you really think I would go around telling people things about you?"


Dan and Phil both turned their heads in the direction the voice came from and saw PJ running to them with Chris tagging along.

"Please let him go, he looks like he's in pain." PJ said to Dan and Phil was too surprise to even function or realize Dan's grip was too tight.

Dan's eyes softened and he let go of Phil who was still surprised.

"Are you okay Phil? It was Phil, right?" PJ asked Phil who could do nothing but nod.

"Phil, I'm really sorry, I just don't want people knowing..." Dan mumbled and Phil suddenly felt bad.

"Does what's-his-name not know?" Phil asked out of curiosity and hoped Dan didn't attack him again.

Dan shook his head and everything went silent. Everyone looked at one another before Chris cleared his throat.

"Well, I'll be off! Join me if you will Liguori." Chris smiled. "Nice to meet you, Phil and you, Dan."

Charming, Phil thought to himself.

"See you guys next week." PJ smiled sympathetically then walked away with Chris, leaving Phil alone with Dan again.

Phil felt the tension between Dan and him but he didn't know what to do so he continued to look down at his feet and force his tears in.



ok I'm gonna go before I rant for 28837 hours


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