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"Phil, what's wrong?" Dan asked for the third time. "Did Joey talk to you again? I'll kill him if he touched you again."

Phil couldn't look at Dan, he didn't want to look into Dan's eyes and feel the guilt he had felt after kissing Joey. He wanted to wash his mouth out with soap but not even that would wash out the guilt he was feeling in his heart and stomach.

"No, Joey hasn't touched to me." Phil muttered. "I'm just upset."

"Well, what's upsetting you?"

"Would you ever lie to me?" Phil asked, completely ignoring Dan's question and taking Dan by surprise.

"No, Phil. Of course I wouldn't lie to you, why would you even think that?" Dan replied, astounded that Phil asked such a question.

"I dunno. I'm scared. I trust you a lot and if I were to find out you're lying to me... that would suck." Phil shrugged, glancing at Dan.

He had hoped to find some sort of answers in Dan's expression but Dan only looked puzzled and upset. There was no sign of guilt or fear or anything.

"Don't be scared," Dan said, reaching for Phil's hand. "I wouldn't lie to you, I promise."

Phil gave his boyfriend a small fake smile and looked at their hands as he wondered if he was being sincere and of Joey had made up the whole thing.

How could've Joey made up all that?

His thoughts clustered together and he decided to brush it off; it was Friday. He needed to stop thinking.

"Hey, I'll meet you in class, alright?" Dan said when the bell rang for the next class.

Phil said nothing in return and nodded, watching Dan walk away before getting up.

He was tempted to follow Dan and see where he was going but he decided it was stupid and made his way to class where Joey wasn't to be seen anywhere and neither was Dan.

Phil sighed and sat in his usual seat, letting his thoughts overwhelm him.

Five minutes passed and Phil looked up but there was no sign of Dan.

Ten minutes, still no Dan.

Fifteen minutes, no Dan. Where was he and what was taking him so long?

Half an hour later... still no Dan. Joey was also missing.

Paranoia crept over Phil and he couldn't help wonder if they were together at this moment.

He knew he had no right to be upset or jealous after he kissed Joey but he couldn't help it; what if Joey had found Dan and they were doing things Phil didn't even want to imagine.

The bell rang, causing Phil to jump and he dared to look around once more.

Dan and Joey were still missing.

Phil slung his back over his shoulder and walked out of class, checking his phone in hopes that maybe Dan had left him a message but the only notification he had was from PJ, something about hanging out later.

Phil waited outside the school for a few minutes and when Dan didn't show up, he let himself accept that Dan wasn't gonna join him and Phil began to walk home like he used to.

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