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Even after a month, Joey was still pissed at Dan for being an "emo attention whore" and Phil for (what was it again? oh) taking Dan away from him? Phil didn't really understood that boy but instead of getting over it, Joey would push and shove Phil whenever they saw each other in the halls.

Today though, Joey decided to trip Phil and being the way he is, he stumbled and fell over.

Dan was most likely in the gym and Phil had gotten lost in the school again so he was late and the halls were nearly deserted except for Joey and some other boy Phil had never seen before.

"Fuck off." Phil said under his breath and got to his feet.

He felt someone's hands on his shirt as he body was forcefully slammed into the locker.

He had been physically hurt and bullied but that was year ago, before he even met Skye. He wasn't used to the pain like he was with words people would yell at him but here he was again, being pressed against a locker, alone in the halls with two boys.

"You little shit, I'm going to make your life as miserable as possible." Joey said, his face uncomfortably close to Phil's.

"Do it." Joey said the the other boy and threw Phil on the floor.

Attempting to get up and run was a bad idea as the other boy kicked Phil back down.

The pain was so familiar, he hated it.

The boy kicked Phil multiple time's in the stomach and a few times in the shin and arm. He tried his best to not make any sounds that would indicate he was in pain but he soon let out a quiet groan of pain when the boy picked Phil up and punched him right across the face.

"Let's go." Joey snapped and the boy threw Phil the floor then ran and Phil waited till he could no longer hear their foot steps so he could curl up into a ball and let his tears slip from his eyelids.

He felt vulnerable and weak, he felt as if every bone in his body was broken. He felt the whole in his hear get big again and he lay on the floor, silently crying.

Despite eating a little more now, his body was still quite thin and fragile and every kick he got had been worse than the one before. He was out of breath, he felt as if he was physically broken and he felt pathetic for even crying.

Stop crying you stupid boy, Phil thought to himself. Stupid, pathetic, useless boy.

He forced himself up which took quite a while but when he was up, he walked to the nearest boys' washroom and cleaned off the blood that was dripping from his lip and washed his face.

Ok, just act like nothing happened. You're fine. You're okay.

But as he glanced in the mirror once more, he knew he wasn't okay and broke down again.

Nothing was ever going to be okay, he was never going to be okay. Sure, his parents were actually being nice and he had Dan but he still didn't feel okay, he still didn't feel safe, he still didn't feel strong.

Yeah, he threw away his blades but that wasn't going to help. Sure, he had Dan but Dan wasn't always going to be there. Yes, he had his parents but they could change back any moment and he wasn't going to let his guard down just because he finally got an explanation and they admitted that they really did love him.

Phil knew the world too well to know that if things were okay, something horrible was bound to happen and that he was never ever going to feel 100% okay.

He was never fully okay, he just forgot about his problems at times. Especially with Dan.

Dan. Gym class. Fuck.

Phil wiped his tears from his face and made his way slowly to class.

"Phil!" Dan exclaimed happily until Phil got close enough for Dan to see him well.

"Woah, what happened?" Dan said, standing up and taking Phil's face gently in his hands.

"Nothing, I just had an accident. Bumped into something and went flying down the stairs. It was horrible." Phil shrugged and gave Dan a fake embarrassed smile. Dan had no clue that Joey was bugging him and he didn't plan on telling anyone.

"You look like you've been punched." Dan muttered, obviously not convinced.

Phil snorted. "Someone accidentally hit me and I stumbled and fell down the stairs. I didn't want to get up for a while so it's why I'm late."

"Oh. Well holy shit, it looks bad, does it hurt?" Dan looked horrified but Phil knew he had fallen for the lame excuse.

Phil never did lie to Dan but mentioning Joey was something he had been avoiding because Dan was very touchy about the subject.

"It hurts but I'll live. I always do." Sadly, he thought to himself.


This is so short wOAH WHAT AM I DOING sORRY ok I just needed to squeeze this part in here but I promise next chapter will be longer!

Alsoooooo, my story "Happy Little Phil Take Dan Away" has 17K fLUFFING READS HOLLLYYYYYY SHHHHHHIZZ I'm so amazed wOW SORRY IM SO HAPPY OOPS OK IM DONE



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