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"PJ, please."

The Ambulance were taking Chris away on a stretcher and PJ wouldn't stop screaming and begging to go with them.

"We're sorry," a man said before getting into the car and closing the doors.

Dan and Phil held PJ back and Phil felt torn as he watched PJ cry and kick at them, pleading and insisting that he wanted to go.

"He wants me to be with him!" PJ cried, giving up on his legs and falling to the ground.

"Does he want to be with me?" PJ asked no on in particular. "He left me. He knew he was the only reason I was here. Why did he leave me?"

Phil bent down next to him and wrapped his arms tightly around PJ and allowed him to cry into his shoulder.

Why Chris? PJ needs you. We need you.

Dan soon joined and hugged PJ as well and PJ cried.

Dan and Phil stayed with him, talked to him and attempted to comfort him as he cried but nothing they said could stop the tears from flowing down his face.

Phil knew his own tears were falling down but he didn't care. He wanted to curl up and cry but he stayed still and continued to comfort PJ who was probably the most hurt than any of them.

"Fuck you, Chris Kendall. You told me you'd never hurt me, you liar." PJ said through gritted teeth. "I'm hurt, Chris."


The funeral was two weeks before Christmas. Phil had never been to a funeral before and he wish he didn't go to Chris' for seeing his lifeless face reminded him of Skye and it hurt. It hurt so much.

PJ didn't cry at the funeral. Not a single tear but you could easily tell he was beyond broken when you took a look at him.

Dan cried, he cried a lot.

"I never had such good friends," he sobbed. "Now I've lost one and I feel horrible."

Phil wanted to say he knew the feeling but he stayed quiet and hugged Dan.

Just when Phil thought life was okay and he was going to be fine, the world crushed him again and all the pieces he was building up were broken down again.

"I'm really sorry, PJ," Phil said, holding onto Dan's hand whilst Dan wiped his tears away with his other hand.

"It's okay. He obviously didn't think of me when he did it." PJ replies coldly and glared at Dan and Phil's hands.

"Don't say that-" Phil sighed but PJ didn't let him finish.

"See you guys on Thursday." He muttered and walked between the two boys, not seeming to care that they were holding hands.

Phil watched him walk away, feeling as if he's not only lost Chris, but also PJ.


"Anyone want to share how they're feeling?" Grace asked and everyone went silent, looking anywhere but at Grace.

"Okay, Daisy, how are you today?" Grace said and everyone's attention was on Daisy.

"I'm okay." She answered without hesitation.

Grace nodded and Phil made sure to avert his eyes so she wouldn't pick him next.

"PJ? How are you?" Grace then asked PJ and Phil wanted to shake his head but he remained still and glanced at PJ.

He looked sick, dead, unhealthy, he wasn't okay. Nearly two weeks after Chris had passed away and PJ was only getting worse.

Dan and Phil tried everything to cheer him up but nothing worked.

"I dunno, how do I look?" PJ said, arms crossed and glaring at nothing in particular.

Grace frowned. "Is it something you'd like to speak of?"

"Is it about that boy that hasn't been showing up? What's his name?" Daisy chimed in, suddenly looking very interested and Phil glared at her.

"Daisy-" Grace said but PJ ignored her and spoke.

"His name is Chris." He snapped. "And it had nothing to do with you."

"You don't have to be rude," Daisy scoffed. "Why does it have anything to do with you?"

"Why do you care?" PJ sneered.

Phil suddenly felt uncomfortable as Grace repeated their names loudly and everyone was silently starting at their hands.

"I was just curious!" Daisy said and PJ was furious, he looked like he was about to cry but at the same time he looked like he was about to murder someone.

"Do you really want to know?" He shouted.

"Yes, that's why I fucking asked you-"


"Chris was my boyfriend and he fucking died!"

Everyone went silent as Daisy say back down, her expression surprised and taken aback.

PJ got up and ran out the door, slamming the door behind him and making everyone jump.

Without thinking twice about it, Phil excused himself and followed PJ.

"PJ!" Phil called and PJ stopped and swing around.

"Stop! I don't want help! I don't need it!" PJ yelled and Phil cringed as he came to a stop a meter away from PJ.

"What I need is Chris but he fucking left so leave me alone!" PJ continued to shout. "I don't care if you just want to help or if you only meant good, leave! I don't need you or Dan!"

Phil blinked away his tears. "Peej, listen to me.." He tried to move forward slowly. "I know how you feel-"

"Bullshit!" PJ cried. "No you don't!"

"I do-"

Then he felt PJ's fist slam into his jaw and he fell into the snow on the ground.

Phil squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to cry or show his pain. He knew PJ was just angry and upset, he knew PJ wasn't like this. It was just pain.

Blood dripped from Phil's lip and he wiped it away before looking up only to see that PJ was gone.

With no motivation to get up and go inside, he curled into a tight ball and let his tears that he didn't want to show, fall.

What was happening? Why him? He thought it was over, he thought it was finally over and he was going to be happy. But problems didn't stop popping up, did they?


Sucky and shitty part but woooooo updates!!!

I'm so lame why am I here omfg okay

spon *cough* hEy so I've mad a new story called Mad Hatter and I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out and commented/vote if you like it! ()*:・゚

thank you for reading beans, I hope you all have a good day!!! Until next time!

byyeeee c:

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