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"Can I ask something and not seem rude or like I'm sticking my nose in your business?"

It was four in the morning; they had woken up at 3AM, unable to fall back asleep so decided to make hot chocolate and sit in the living room with the lights on so they could see.

Dan's hair was curly and cute, Phil wanted to run his fingers through his hair.

"Well, you know almost everything about me so yeah, go ahead." Phil shrugged and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" Dan asked, looking at his cup shyly.

Phil grinned. "I have. It was pretty awkward. I was 12, in middle school and this boy that bullied me one day came up to me and said 'I'm supposed to hate you but I like you' or something." Phil said, shaking his head. "It was so stupid because he spent the whole year making fun of me then he decides to say he likes me? Pathetic. I was just discovering my liking for boys, though so he helped, I guess. He said it then kissed me and ran off. He literally continued to torture me after that."

Dan snorted loudly. "Are you serious?!"

"I am just as surprised as you!"

"He didn't say anything about it?!" Dan yelled and Phil shook his head, laughing and cringing at the memory.

"Well, what a loser. My first kiss was a girl," Dan shivered. "Spin the bottle. It was weird. Her lips were wet."

Phil burst out laughing. "Noooo, why were her lips wet?!"

They laughed together but Phil jumped when he heard the loud sound of the thunder from outside. It was raining again.

Phil put his now empty glass aside and turned to look at Dan who was now finishing his hot chocolate.

"Done!" He exclaimed and out his glass beside Phil's.

Phil chuckled. "You finished, congrats!"

"Phil, can I ask one more question?"

"Of course."

"Are you ticklish?"

Immediately, Phil got to his feet as Dan smiled mischievously.

"No!" Phil chirped but ran as Dan got up as well.

"Dan, I swear-!" Phil yelled, laughing as he ran into the kitchen.

Dan laughed and Phil came to a dead end as he came face to face with the door to the backyard and the locks on the door were so complicated, Phil didn't know how to open it.

"I got you!" Dan exclaimed and wrapped his arms securely around Phil's waist.

"My hearts beating so fast!" Phil said, out of breath and turned around to come face-to-face with Dan.

Dan slowly lifted his hand and poked Phil's cheek which made Phil giggle uncontrollably. Phil normally did that but Dan seemed to have catch on and was now doing it as well.

"Ever heard of personal space?" Phil teased and a worried look crossed Dan's face.

"I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Dan quickly apologized and began to remove his hands from Phil's waist.

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