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"I'm really sorry."

Phil looked up at Dan and shook his head.

"It's okay, I guess I understand but promise me you won't tell anyone about me either?"

"Who would I tell?"

Phil gave Dan the are-you-serious look and Dan chuckled softly.

"Ok you're right and I won't, I promise."

Silence fell between them again and Phil's mind was full of questions.

"So, you're probably wondering why I haven't told 'what's-his-name'." Dan said out f the blue but Phil couldn't lie and say he wasn't.

"I am, not gonna lie. Joey, right? He's your boyfriend, why would you keep it in?" Phil questioned.

Dan sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I tried once. I asked what he thought of self-harm before we started dating. 'It's honestly so stupid like why can't people stop being so emo and grow up. It's not a mental illness, they're just looking for attention.'" Dan looked genuinely upset and Phil wanted to wrap his arms around Dan and punch Joey but of course, he didn't have the guts to.

"Why would he say that? Why would you date him?" Phil scowled but regretted it immediately. wow, he needed to keep his mouth shut. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't- I meant-"

"It's okay, I wonder the same thing sometimes. He's a nice guy.. well, sometimes... I dunno I guess I just can't bring myself to break up with him because I'm scared of what he'll do. I was upset when he said that though so I never did tell him about me."

Phil gave him a sympathetic look and parted his lips. "Well... do you love him?"

Dan was surprised by the question and seemed slightly angry.

"You can't just ask me if I love my boyfriend or not." Dan spit and Phil felt bad but for some reason, didn't give up.

"It's a simple yet rude question and I'm sorry but why would you avoid it if you did love him?"

Dan glared at Phil.

"Mind your own business you twat."

Phil felt a wave of confidence and crossed his arms.

"You literally grabbed my arm and tried breaking my body, you threatened me and now you're telling me to mind my own business after I ask you if you love your boyfriend. Oh, yeah, I'm the twat."

"Why do you care if I love Joey? Why are you asking? Why the fuck does it matter to you?" Dan yelled and Phil broke, he felt small again and wanted to cry. People yelling at him was his weakness and Dan looked furious, making it all worse.

"I wanna help and I wanted to know because if you didn't then what's the point in being in a relationship with someone you don't love?" Phil said in a quiet voice, looking at his hands.

There was another silence between them and Phil wanted nothing more than to leave and cry until he fell asleep.

"Look, it doesn't matter, I'm gonna leave." Phil mumbled and quickly wiped a tear before it fell.

"Are you crying?" Dan asked, his voice soft and soothing again.

"No, leave me alone." Phil said and turned away but again, Dan grabbed Phil's arm and turned him around. He was much more gentle this time.

"Don't-! Let me go!" Phil cried, his tears flowing down his face and he felt embarrassed and wanted Dan to let him go.

"Phil, why are you crying?" Dan muttered but Phil refused to answer and shook his head.

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