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"What's your number?"

Why did that make Phil's heart skip a beat? Why did that make Phil feel weird and fluttery in his stomach? Why?

Phil exchanged numbers with Dan and his phone buzzed.

Unknown number:
Hello :3

Phil looked up at Dan who smiled at him.

"There! I have you in my contacts!" Dan exclaimed and Phil chuckled.

Phil didn't want gym class to end, he wanted to spend hours talking to Dan and seeing his smile, hearing his voice and just be near Dan but too soon, the bell rang.

They stood and walked to their next class, having small talks until they made it to class but then Joey came into view, and Phil looked away.

"Dan, babe, you okay?" Joey said in a soft, sweet tone and hugged Dan who seemed as surprised as Phil.

"I'm fine." Dan muttered and Phil felt his stomach drop when Joey pressed his lips onto Dan's.

Joey was trying to bother Phil, he knew and he didn't want to show how much it bothered him but he couldn't help push them slightly as he walked passed them and into class.

Class was boring and Phil just couldn't pay attention no matter how hard he tried; he wanted to cry, he wanted to shout, he wanted to run away, he wanted to die. He didn't know why it bothered him so much. Was it because Dan was his second actual friend or was it because Phil had gotten a little too attached in less than a week?

He missed Skye. He missed being able to talk to her, he missed hearing her stupid jokes, he missed sneaking out to go to an abandoned park and lie on the grass with her, he missed star-gazing with her, he missed getting into trouble with her, he missed it all so much.

She left him in this damned world to live alone and unhappy, even after she promised she'd never leave. They had stuck with each other for four years, they had been friends through the best and the worst, they were so close... why did she have to leave?

"Philip? Are you alright?"

Everyone was looking at him, they all gave him pitiful looks and he realized he was crying.

He felt his face heat up in embarrassment and he let his gaze fall.

"Would you like to be excused?" the teacher asked Phil who thought about it and nodded.

Class was going to be over in fifteen minutes, he didn't have to come back.

Grabbing his bag, he left and ran outside. He didn't want to go home so he sat on the grass and cried for every reason possible.

Just as he wiped his tears and was getting up, his phone buzzed and he saw Dan had texted him.


Are you okay?

Phil broke down again and shook his head. He wanted to say he wasn't okay, he wanted to be honest with Dan and tell him he was never okay but instead, he replied with "yeah, I'm okay" and put his phone away.

He could never bring himself to admit he wasn't okay and he was never going to.

Phil got up and started to walk home. He felt so lost, so lonely, so numb. He didn't think he'd feel so down. Death sounded like the best idea at the moment, especially when he walked into him house to find his parents laughing at god knows what and lying on the floor.

The fact that he knew almost immediately that they were high again saddened him; he didn't hate his parents -he didn't exactly love them either- but Amanda and Matt spent 70% of their life high on the drugs they can get their hands on or drunk and it made Phil angry. He had parents, sure but what did they spend their money on? Expensive alcohol and drugs, they never thought about Phil.

The beginning, when he was adopted by them, it was all okay. He was three when he was adopted and he remembered when his parents had actually tried to care for him but then he grew older, became more "annoying" and the drugs came in, the booze, not having enough food in the kitchen and getting yelled at for asking for food.

He knew how bad drugs can be if you couldn't control yourself and he had lost his parents long ago.

Ignoring Amanda's loud hysterical laughs, Phil dragged himself up the stairs and into his room.

Phil sat in silence on the floor after he locked his door and stared at the blank wall.

He didn't know how or what to feel. Everything was so confusing, his life, his existence, school, people, his parents, everything.

About two hours passed and Phil had a headache. Just as he got up to do things he'd regret the next morning, his phone buzzed again and he took it out. Dan texted him again.



Something told him to reply and Phil texted back, getting another message almost immediately.


I know we only met but can we meet somewhere?

What did he have to lose? Amanda and Matt were in another world and probably wouldn't care. He had homework but at this point in his life, he couldn't care less about education.

Yeah, of course. Where?

Soon, Phil was walking to a coffee shop to meet Dan without a clue why Dan wanted to meet.

Phil quickly glanced into the small shop and saw Dan walking towards a table.

Taking a deep breath, he entered and slowly paced towards Dan who was not sitting at the far corner of the shop, away from everyone.

"Phil," Dan said. "I'm sorry I just... I need someone... and you're the only one I have now..."

"W-what happened?" Phil sat across from Dan and watched him carefully.

Dan tried to smile but his bottom lip quivered and a tear slipped from his eye.

"Dan, w- please say something." Phil pleaded softly, reaching for Dan.

"It's so stupid... I went to Joey's place after school and Phil, he just wanted to have sex and I said no... so he got aggressive and.." Dan mumbled but his voice cracked and he covered his face as he sobbed into his sleeves.

"Did he..?" Phil asked and felt his heart break a little more when Dan tried to take a breath but sobbed even more.

"N-no... he saw my arms... he kicked me out, he told me we were through, he called me disgusting and an attention whore." Dan said and Phil went to sit beside Dan.

Without hesitating, Phil wrapped his arms around Dan.

"He's a douche bag that didn't deserve you. You aren't disgusting, don't listen to him. I know I can't help but I am telling you that he is wrong and you're amazing. I've met many people and you are by far one of the most kindest, sweetest, and brilliant people I've met. I've only known you for a few days but you've treated me better than anyone else has ever." Phil said to Dan, holding him in his arms.

Dan didn't seem bothered by Phil's hug but he did surprise Phil when he wrapped his arms around Phil's small waist and lay his head on Phil's chest.

"Thank you, thank you so much. You're so nice, I'm so happy I met you." Dan cried quietly and Phil let him cry.

Phil didn't care about anything except for Dan. Seeing him cry was painful but Phil knew sometimes you just needed to cry so he tried his best to comfort Dan and rub his back.

They stayed like that for a while and Phil felt okay for once. He wasn't upset, he wasn't on the verge of tears, he was just okay and he was with Dan which made him feel better. Dan and him were both just two boys that were broken and in need of friends to care but now they had each other and he felt okay, he felt complete and felt at ease without a care in the world.


This took so long to upset im so sorry whoops bUT HERE IT IS i got very emotional so the end may be slightly sad SORRY

okay im gonna go because i gotta study for some stupid science test ugh but i love you all and i hope you have a spooky and good day :)

byyeeee cx

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