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"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Not pushing me away, letting me cry, being here for me." Phil shrugged and Dan placed a hand on Phil's cheek.

"I'll always be here for you, Phil. I'm sorry about Skye." Dan said and pulled Phil in for a hug when Phil's body quivered slightly.

A few minutes passed and Phil had managed to calm down. He put Skye's note back in his pocket and looked at the tv that was playing anime they had been watching earlier.

"Are you okay?" Dan questioned.

"Yeah, I am now. Your hands are really gentle," Phil said quietly as Dan drew circles with his fingers on Phil's back.

"You think so?"

"I do."

Phil turned to face Dan again and intertwined their fingers.

"You're really pretty, Dan. Your features are flawless, your eyes are not just a simple brown, they're unique. Your nose is perfectly shaped, your lips are cute and kissable," Phil grinned as his finger trailed across Dan's lips.

"Kissable, huh?" Dan chuckled, blushing and Phil's smile got wider.

"Yes, your lips are very tempting and kissable." Phil mumbled and leaned in to kiss Dan.

"Your lips are also quite kissable," Dan giggled against Phil's lips.

Phil silently laughed and nuzzled his face on Dan's neck.

"I love you, Dan Howell."

"I love you too, Phil Lester."

It went silent and all that was heard was a scream come from the TV.

Phil snorted, causing Dan to laugh.

"What are we doing?" Phil asked and Dan continued to laugh whilst shaking his head.

Phil wrapped his arms around Dan securely without any reason and just for the hell of it.

"Phi- holy shit," Dan said as soon as Phil started placing kisses down his neck.

Phil could feel the goosebumps popping up on Dan's skin and he placed one more kiss under Dan's jawline.

"What's wrong?" Phil asked innocently.

"No, nothing." Dan shook his head.

Phil grinned and continued to leave kisses down Dan's neck then kissed his lips.

The kiss became long and had started to get intense but Phil didn't care; the feeling he had was taking over him.

He had never made out before but Dan seemed to know more than Phil so he let Dan take over.

He felt Dan's tongue touch his lips and he parted his lips to let Dan's tongue in, hoping he was doing the right thing.

Phil put his legs on either side of Dan's waist and pressed their bodies as close as possible, lips still connected.

His stomach was flipping and his heart was racing, he had never had an urge like this but whatever it was, he was enjoying it.

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