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Phil's head hit the brick wall and he clenched his jaw, not wanting to show pain.

"Look who's talking!" Phil yelled only to get punched again.

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Joey screamed, punching Phil repeatedly now.

"What are you getting out of this?!" Phil shouted after he kick Joey between his legs.

He watched Joey fall and groan in pain, feeling guilty but trying to not show it; showing emotion was the last thing he wanted to do.

"I don't know!" Joey now cried, tears spilling. "I don't fucking know! I just... Fuck you. Fuck off. Leave."

Phil bit his bottom lip. He knew he should've walked away and left the kid alone but he couldn't.

Phil extended his hand towards Joey.

Joey looked at Phil's hand then at Phil.


Phil wiped the blood off his nose with his other hand. "I'm helping you up- well, I'm trying."

Joey stared at Phil for a few more seconds then took his hand and Phil pulled him up.

Phil didn't know what to expect and he knew he wasn't getting a "Thank you".

He felt Joey's fist slam into his jaw and he fell to the floor, finally letting out quiet cry of pain.

"You fucking prat." Joey said, voice cracking slightly. He threw a kick at Phil's stomach. "Stupid-" another kick "- idiot-" another one "-pathetic-" and another "-bitch."

With one final kick, he walked away leaving Phil crying in the pavement, hiding his face with his arms.

You stupid boy. This is your fault, it's your own fault you're getting beat up. You little shit, why the fuck do you exist?

He fought with himself in his mind for a few minutes before letting out a sigh and pulling his hair as hard as he could.

Get the fuck up, you're missing class.

Class. Fuck. Dan was gonna see him like this and that was now the last thing he wanted.

Phil took a deep breath before getting himself up and onto his feet, leaning against the wall to clutch his aching stomach.

Washroom first. He needed to clean his face and any blood off his hands before letting anyone see him.

He walked as fast as he could into the school and the nearest washroom.

Once he finished, Phil snuck into the gym and made his way to Dan who was busy writing down something.

Phil sat beside Dan, a pang of sharp pain pulsing through his body.

"Phil! Where were you- oh my god, Phil." Dan's voice had gone from excited to sad as he looked up to see Phil's face.

"Sorry for being late." Phil mumbled.

"It was Joey again, wasn't it?" Dan sighed and Phil only nodded. "Fuck, it's bad. I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" Dan gently touched Phil's bruised lip.

"I'll be fine." Phil said quietly.

Dan frowned but said nothing and continued to work on his paper.

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