Letting Go

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It had all become too much for Connie. She had ruined her life, once again. This was a chance for her to be happy, but she had pushed the chance away, just like she did with Grace.

"Mrs Beauchamp, what's up, you can talk to me" Jacob tried not to push it.

"It's just I don't have a life anymore, I keep putting my job first, then I lost Grace, and now I've pushed you away. But you don't want to hear this." Connie's icy exterior was finally cracking.

"Constance Beauchamp, of course I want to hear it. Because I care for you. Because I want to be with you. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you would make me happy." Jacob realised he was starting to sound like Max, he just hoped Connie felt the same.

It suddenly hit Connie. She could be happy, she could have a successful relationship, and she now loved Jacob more than ever. As she stood up, she already knew what she was going to do. She got closer and closer to Jacob, until she could feel his breath on her cheek. Jacob didn't dare move. Connie had never been more sure. She kissed Jacob softly, still surprised at her confidence. Jacob didn't pull back, this was the greatest moment of his life, he had been waiting and waiting, and it was finally here.

"Well if that drinks still going, I'd love to join you" Connie said after finally pulling back

"It sure is Connie"

"It's Mrs Beauchamp while were still in work Jacob, but outside, feel free to call me whatever you want" Connie was determined to keep this relationship a secret, she could keep her reputation and this relationship with Jacob, right? She was going to give this a shot anyway.

Jacob reluctantly agreed to keep the relationship a secret, he was desperate to scream it from the rooftops, but he wanted to keep Connie happy, and if that was what it would take, that's what he would do.

The new couple left 5 minutes apart, and met outside.

"Thank you for keeping this a secret Jacob, I really appreciate it." Connie really was thankful, and she had never been so happy.

"Anything for you sweet cheeks" Jacob replied with a cheeky grin as they started to walk towards the pub.

"Who said you could call me sweet cheeks?" Connie replied playfully

"You! You said outside I could call you anything you wanted, Con" Jacob was now pushing his luck.

Connie hit him lightly on the arm.

"Now that's it you, you're coming with me now" Jacob picked Connie up and started walking down the road with her on his shoulder

"No Jacob no what if someone sees us?" Connie was giggling, she was having so much fun.

"Come on Connie, we're ages away from the hospital" Jacob put Connie down

"Yeah but not far enough." Connie replied, she had a plan.

She took Jacobs hand and started to walk in the direction of her house.

"Con where are we going? The pubs here?!" Jacob was confused.

"My house" Connie replied simply.

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