Grace's Arrival

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I'm writing about Graces arrival today, I'm really excited to write this! I hope you all like it!

Connie woke up and was straight out of her bed, she couldn't wait for the day ahead. She dragged Jacob out of bed, he was still half asleep despite Connie's excitement. After about 10 minutes, Connie gave up on dragging Jacob out of bed and went to get ready.

She had a long shower, curled her hair and put on a tight dress, but made sure it was slightly baggy, as she still hated the sight of her growing stomach, she had always prided herself on her perfect figure. Once again, she slipped on her signature shoes.

When she re-entered her bedroom, Jacob was only just rolling out of bed.

"God damit I hate mornings" he moaned as he squinted at the bright sun peering through their curtains. Once his eyes adjusted he turned round to face his girlfriend.

"What? Your ready? But how? Your usually worse than me in the morning!" Jacob laughed

"It's not just any old morning, I have to look my best." Connie replied. Jacob looked puzzled, then remembered what day it was.

"Oh my god I almost forgot, I need to get ready!" Jacob practically sprinted to his wardrobe after stealing a kiss off Connie.

It wasn't long until the pair were ready, Connie had put the finishing touches to Grace's bedroom and wrapped the gifts she bought her; the latest iPhone, a handbag and a pair of Laboutins, Connie couldn't resist spoiling her daughter! They had both signed her welcome home card and had enclosed Grace's surprise.

"She will love it" Jacob reassured Connie.

"Well I hope so, because this is exactly what I want" Connie replied, placing her hands on her stomach.

Jacob took Connie's hand and led her to the car. He drove her Mercedes to Holby Airport, the pair ecstatic.

Connie practically ran to the arrivals, dragging Jacob behind her, who was struggling to keep up! They both waited for what felt like an eternity, until an announcement filled the terminal.


Connie shoved her way to the front of the crowd, to see the first few passengers enter the busy terminal. Jacob held Connie's hand, he could see how much Grace meant to her.

After the first few crowds of people disappeared, a flight attendant came into view, escorting a young child. 

"Is that.." Jacob started, but Connie had run off before he finished.

Connie was running as fast as her heels could carry her, until she collided in a massive hug with her daughter.

"Mum, I've missed you so much!" Grace was so happy to see her mum again.

"Baby, there hasn't been a single minute I haven't thought of you, I'm so glad you've come home!" Connie exclaimed.

After Grace said thanks to the flight attendant, Connie decided now would be a good time to meet Jacob, who was standing in the crowd, admiring Connie and Graces relationship, he had never been like that with his mother.

"Darling, would you like to meet Jacob?" Connie asked, she was getting increasingly nervous, she prayed Grace would accept him as part of the family.

"Don't you mean DAD mum? And pretty please! Is he here?" Grace was so excited to meet him.

"He's over there" Connie pointed him out, as he waved.

Grace sprinted toward him, and gave Jacob a massive hug.

"Hi dad" She liked him already.

"Hiya Grace, it's so nice to meet you in person, your even prettier in person!" Jacob was really touched when Grace called him Dad.

"Has my mum brought me any presents?" Grace whispered as she saw Connie walking towards her.

"You'll have to wait and see!" Jacob said, then winked at Grace.

"What do you think of Jacob then darling?" Connie asked.

"I've already told you mum, it's DAD! And I really like him" Grace lectured as she winked back to Jacob.

The three left the airport moments later, Jacob pulling her suitcase and Grace's hands holding both Connie and Jacob's hands, Connie was so pleased Grace and Jacob got on well.

As they arrived at their house, Grace's head was practically hanging out the window, stunned by the enormous house.

"Stop teasing me mum, can we go to our actual house?" Grace laughed, but Connie kept quiet and got out the car, gesturing for Grace to follow her. Jacob fetched Grace's suitcase and followed the two.

Grace still wasn't convinced that this was actually her house. She knew her mum had moved, but she never expected this. It wasn't until Connie opened the door to reveal her presents that it sunk in.

Connie looked hopeful as she took Jacob's hand. She hoped Grace liked her gifts.

Grace ran up to the wrapped gifts and instantly ripped off the paper to reveal her new phone, handbag and shoes. She squealed and ran towards her parents and gave them a massive hug.

"Mum, Dad, how did you know?" Grace asked, still in doubt.

"You didn't stop talking about how much you wanted them when I FaceTimed you, we couldn't resist." Connie replied with a massive grin on her face. Grace hugged the couple tightly and gave them both a kiss on the cheek.

"You still have a card left" Jacob pointed out, squeezing a nervous Connie's hand.

Grace sat on the sofa and opened her card. It read;

'Welcome home Gracie!' Connie loved Moonpig cards!

Grace looked pleased and opened the card. She froze.

Inside there were 2 pictures, of Connie's ultrasound. Connie and Jacob waited anxiously, until Grace spoke.

"Mum, your not?.." Grace started.

Connie and Jacob nodded.

"I'M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER?!" Grace shouted

"Yep darling, to a little baby boy!" Connie replied, cutting off the circulation in Jacobs hand by squeezing it so tight.

Grace skipped to the pair and threw herself over them.

"I've always wanted to be a big sister!" Grace exclaimed.

"We're so glad your happy Grace" Jacob answered, relieved that his hand was regaining colour.

The three stood in the hallway for a few minutes, until Grace ran upstairs to see her new bedroom.

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