Silver Mercedes

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Thank you for the lovely comments, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, apologies for the late update, it turns out I had homework that I didn't know had been set! xxx

Jacob was waiting for Connie to arrive at the nurses station, checking his watch every 30 seconds. Connie was 15 minutes late, she had never been late for work, this was so un-like Connie. He had tried ringing her 3 times, but no reply.

The distinctive red phone rang, and Jacob reluctantly answered it.

"Incoming RTC, female unconscious and impaled on the car. We need a nurse to attend." Control spoke. 

"Where is it?" Jacob grew worried.

"A23, west-bound." They answered.

"Ok thank you, Staff nurse Masters will be attending, ETA 5 minutes" Jacob replied, his voice shaking, Connie took that route to work. It couldn't be her though? Jacob repeated the question in his head as he practically sprinted towards the staffroom.

One he was changed, he hopped into the ambulance, with Dixie and Ian on board. He was biting his nails as they sped off, he was so nervous.

"Lighten up mate, it's not like it's Connie in the accident!" Ian joked. Jacob gave him a worried look.

"It's not is it?" Ian asked, a concerned look on his face.

"She's late for work, and she takes the A23 on her way..." Jacob broke off, terrified. Ian put his foot flat down. Connie was one of them now, they couldn't bare for her to be hurt.

As they got closer to the accident, a silver Mercedes came into sight. Jacob put a shocked  hand over his mouth, trembling. He jumped out of the ambulance before it had completely stopped, and ran straight towards Connie.

"Omg baby? Babe can you hear me? Please talk to me, I need to hear your voice." Jacob stuttered.

Connie was regaining consciousness at this point.

"Talk to me babe.." Jacob was so anxious.

"Our baby..." Connie was drifting in and out of consciousness, her baby was the only thing she could think of.

"When did you last hear him kick babe?" Jacob went into treatment mode.

"Just... Just before I... Crashed..." Connie muttered, she didn't like where this was going.

Dixie and Ian ran up towards them, pushing a trolley and carrying a med bag.

"Oh god, Connie?" Dixie and Ian were in shock.

"We need to get her out, and now." Jacob said.

"We can't Jacob mate, she's impaled on the car. She could have injured her back as well, we need the fire crew to cut her out." Ian informed Jacob, he really felt for him, he would do anything for Rita.

The fire crew started to access the car and find a way to get Connie out.

"I'm gunna kill whoever did this to you two babe, they won't get away with it.." Jacob said as he clocked the driver of the other vehicle walk out, un-harmed. Ian and Dixie gave each other weird looks as Jacob said 'two.'

"Leave it.." Connie winced.

"We need to get you some morphine Connie.." Dixie started, but was cut off by Jacob.

"No, no way, no morphine." Jacob was worried it would harm the baby.

"She needs pain relief mate, she's in agony!" Ian was getting suspicious.

"No morphine, please, listen to Jacob" Connie replied to Ian.

"Congrats girl!" Dixie had sussed it out.

"What do you mean?" Connie and Jacob instantly snapped.

"It's obvious, no morphine, the two of you, and I can see a small bump there!" Ian replied.

"Thank you!" Jacob and Connie replied, they gave up the act.

For about 5 minutes they chatted about Connie's baby while they administrated pregnancy safe drugs.

After they had given Connie her last dose, the fire crew came rushing towards them.

"Everyone behind that line now, please." The lead fireman announced.

"We can't get Connie out now, we need you to cut her out." Jacob stood up, he was ready to pick a fight.

"I said now. This car could explode any minute." He argued.

"Well I'm not leaving her here." Jacob stood put. He would do anything for Connie.

After some persuading, Dixie and Ian reluctantly moved behind the line. Jacob was still arguing with the firefighter.

"Babe, go, please." Connie pleaded, she didn't want Jacob getting hurt.

"I'm not going anywhere. I love you too much to just give in like that." Jacob was tearing up now.

"I love you too." Connie moaned, she was in so much pain.

And at that, the firefighter picked Jacob up, and was carrying him to the line. He was kicking and screaming like a toddler, but he had a tight hold on Jacob.

"I LOVE YOU!" Jacob shouted, tears rolling down his face, he couldn't believe how heartless this firefighter was. He was thrown onto his feet, still with a firm grip on his shoulder.

He needed a way out, he had to get Connie out, but how could he do it?

Again, another cliff-hanger! I love them but I also hate them! I will be updating as soon as I can tomorrow, I have dance at 4:30 so I will hopefully get the majority of the writing done before that and finish it off after. I hope you guys enjoy it! xxx

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