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I'm going to be writing about the terrorist attack, I was going to write about something else, but this storyline will probably take me all week, so I wanted to finish that part before the episode, there will be more after! 💙

Connie really enjoyed her night with Jacob, snuggled up on the sofa with all her favourite movies, she hadn't done that for years and years, and she felt so much better. She went home after, she didn't want to ruin the moment.

Connie woke up, feeling better than she had in ages, and she was ready for the day ahead. She sent Jacob a quick text before getting ready;

'Morning, thank you for last night, I feel so much better. Love you, C xx'

Once she arrived at the hospital, it was a lot busier than she expected.

As she spotted Jacob, he looked very stressed. As she passes him she said in the most professional voice she could; "Staff nurse Masters, a word in my office please." Connie really wanted to return the favour, and wanted to see him happy.

As soon as Jacob heard Connie, his mood perked up a bit. He followed Connie into her office, but before he could say anything, Connie locked the door behind him, and kissed him passionately.

Jacob was a little surprised at Connie's confidence at first but quickly depend the kiss, pulling Connie's waist closer to his.

"Feeling better now?" Connie asked after a few minutes.

"Well with you, hell yes! But back out there, god no. Its only 8am and we are already packed!" Jacob exclaimed.

"Well it's a good job your with me in resus all day then" Connie smiled, she had made sure that they could work together, it would be great fun, but also a great challenge, as it would be hard to keep their relationship under wraps, but Connie loved a good challenge!

"You're the best, you know that right?" Jacob added after kissing Connie again.

"Of course I know that Jacob!" Connie teased.

The pair quickly rushed out of the office when they heard the hospitals door clatter open, as they were meant to be taking this patient.

"This is Josh, 23, got beaten up in a fight outside a pub, he has lacerations to his chest and right leg, bruising to his spine and he has difficulty breathing. We've given him 10 of Morphine. He's all yours Connie" Ian gave the handover as the team took the patient into resus.

"Hiya Josh I'm Jacob, and this is Connie. Were just going to check you over ok?" Jacob had a gift for keeping patients calm, however, this time it was not working. Josh was trying to sit up and fight all treatment.

"Just get me out of here!" he shouted. As he tried to fight Connie off, he hit her on the arm. Connie winced, determined not to show pain, even though it really hurt. At this sight, Jacob became very protective.

"How very dare you hit con.. a member of staff!" Jacob corrected himself. "Come on Mrs Beauchamp, that needs looking at." Connie only had a small bruise on her arm, but he was desperate to get her away from him.

"It's ok thanks Jacob, its only a small bruise." Connie was trying as hard as possible to be professional, she was really touched at how protective Jacob was being.

After much discussion, Zoe took over while Connie reluctantly went with Jacob to a cubicle, and quickly closed the curtain, as Connie was desperate for no one to see her hurt.

"That guys an arsehole. He's lucky he didn't end up with a broken nose as well!" Jacob said while trying to treat a squirming Connie.

"Jacob, calm down! It's only a bruise, it doesn't need treating!"

"I need to make sure your ok, you could have been seriously hurt!" Jacob was holding Connie's hand now.

"And I'm really touched by that. Thank you. I love you." Connie really meant this.

"I love you too Connie." Jacob kissed her quickly and the pair walked out of the cubicle, trying to act normal.

"I don't want you back in that room" Jacob nodded towards resus, becoming protective again.

"It will be fine. But you stay here, I don't want you getting hurt." Connie was also being protective of her partner.

Jacob walked towards resus, pretending not to hear Connie's last sentence. Connie followed. She could handle a 23 year old man.

Back in resus, the patient was a lot calmer. When Jacob looked puzzled, Zoe answered, "The morphine would have kicked in"

Connie and Jacob took charge of the patient again, checking his vitals e.c.t

About 5 minutes into his treatment, he asked Connie and Jacob, "What do you think about terrorism?"

Connie and Jacob both looked puzzled, where did that come from?

But before they could question it, Josh was pointing a gun at them.

Sorry this update is really late, I had Cadets and homework to do <3

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