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I'm really excited to carry on this story-line, even I'm not sure where it's going to go yet! Sorry this chapters quite short, I have to be up early tomorrow so I need to go to bed asap! xoxox

Jacob was distraught. He was about to loose the person he loved most. The firefighter still had a good hold on him, he couldn't get out of his grip. He was desperate now.

Just as Jacob was about to kick him, he loosened his grip as another fire crew started talking to him. This was Jacob's chance.

He pushed his hand off him, and made a run for it. No one could stop him without putting themselves in danger too.

Jacob was sprinting towards the car, while Connie was shouting at him to stop, she really didn't want him to get hurt.

As Jacob got closer to the car, it starts to spark. He didn't care if this car was going to explode, he had to get Connie and his baby out of the car, even if it cost him his life.

Just before he reached the car, an enormous flame filled his eyes. He heard gasps of shock and terror as he pressed on, regardless. He could feel his skin crinkle and melt from the heat, he never thought this would be possible.

He climbed inside the car to find, once again, an unconscious Connie. He apologised as he slid her arm off the sharp car part, she was still motionless.

He was running as fast as his now fragile legs would carry him, his skin still melting off his body, with Connie in his arms, her small bump protected by Jacob's hands.

As he emerged from the smoke relieved looks appeared on everyone's faces. 

Just as Jacob crossed the line, Connie's stunning car blew up into pieces. Jacob had got her out just in time. If she was still in there, it would be guaranteed death.

Once again, sorry it's so short. I will try and write a bit more tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy xoxox

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