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I'm really glad everyone enjoyed my update, this is more of a filler but I have a big idea for tomorrow, it just seems at bit to soon to write, I will also be following the preview (terrorist attack and Jacob saving Connie,) what I think will happen, I will touch it tomorrow and on Tuesday I will follow it up completely.

Connie's alarm woke her at 9:00am. "Shit." She felt like a hammer was hitting her head. She recalled what happened last night, she got together with Jacob, she took him to her house, and she obviously got smashed because of her banging headache, and considering the fact she had no clothes on, it was obvious what happened. She couldn't suppress the grin on her face. As she rolled over, she did not see what she expected.

'I got called into work, meet me at lunch in your office. J x' the note read.

As Connie got ready to go, she couldn't help but daydream about where this was going to go, with the biggest smile on her face, she drove to work. It was going to be hard to fake her ice queen personality now, Jacob had now truly smashed her icy exterior. As Connie stepped out her car she straightened her dress, trying to ignore her headache, and walked into the already busy A+E. As she spotted Jacob walking towards her, she tried to act normal. After all, she still wanted to keep this relationship a secret.

"Morning Mrs Beauchamp." Jacob was determined to stay on Connie's good side, especially because she would be in a bad mood because of her hangover. To his surprise, she replied happily with a small grin on her face;

"Morning staff nurse Masters" She winked at him. As she walked passed, Jacob slipped a box into her hands. Connie read it in her head.

'Paracetemol. Great for headaches.'

She chuckled and muttered, "He's so thoughtful" As she took the paracetemol, Charlie spotted it.

"Heavy night?" Charlie asked

"I don't know what you mean Charlie." Connie stuffed the box into her bag

"Ok, I saw nothing... But its clear Connie, I saw the way you looked at him!" Charlie always knew exactly what was going on with Connie, and she usually appreciated it, but not today.

"There is nothing between us." Connie snapped.

"If you say so" Charlie replied as he started to walk away

"Charlie..." Connie said as Charlie turned around. "Please don't tell anyone" Connie pleaded, she knew that Charlie had figured it out.

"I thought you said there was nothing between you!" Charlie replied with a grin. Once he saw the vulnerable look on Connie's face, he added; "Of course I won't Connie"

It was lunchtime, and because of Connie's hangover, she only got through half of the paperwork she should have. She was half way through writing up a report when she heard a knock at the door, once she glanced at the clock, the grin returned to her face. "Come in."

"Alright boss?" Jacob asked as he walked in

"I thought we agreed on Mrs Beauchamp Jacob" Connie replied playfully

"Fine Mrs Beauchamp!" Jacob said, walking closer to her. "I see that paracetemol hasn't done much" Jacob said as Connie held her head.

At those words, Connie remembered her conversation with Charlie earlier in the day.

"Jacob, this morning was totally unprofessional, I don't want it to happen again." Connie snapped, once again!

"No one saw Connie, what are you fussing about?" Jacob was confused.

"Charlie saw Jacob, so that's why I'm fussing!" Connie was getting angrier by the second.

"But Charlie wouldn't tell anyone Con"

"It's Mrs Beauchamp to you Jacob, get out!" Connie needed to be alone.

"No." Jacob replied simply.

"What do you mean by no? It's my office, get out!"

"Come on Connie, please, I'll go and find Charlie, tell him there's nothing between us" Jacob was desperate for Connie to forgive him.

"It's too late Jacob, he knows." Connie was welling up again, she was so desperate to keep her reputation.

"Please Connie, tell me what's up" Jacob was really concerned for his girlfriend.

"I just don't want to loose my reputation as a scary clinical lead, I'm scared people will think I've become soft" Connie had now burst into tears, she was so desperate to keep her relationship and her bossy reputation, that she had spent years building up, but this relationship with Jacob was as important, she loved him so much.

Jacob gave Connie a hug, he hated seeing her upset. "It's ok Con, we can make this work, I promise."

"Are you sure?" Connie still wasn't convinced.

"I'm 100% sure. I love you Constance Beauchamp" Jacob meant this.

"I love you too" Connie replied wiping tears from under her eyes, she then kissed him softly on the lips

They hugged one last time and Jacob walked to the door.

"Your coming round mine tonight for a movie marathon, that will cheer you up" Jacob said

"Just don't let me get smashed again please, my head is killing!" Connie replied rubbing her head.

Jacob kissed her head and said; "Meet me outside at 7, sweet cheeks"

"Don't push it!" Connie added just before Jacob left.

He winked and left, pretending he just got told off by Connie, he would do anything to keep her happy, even if that meant keeping their relationship under wraps.

Sorry I've updated late, today was really busy - thank you for bearing with me! I will update tomorrow when I get home from school

Katie xx

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