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Sorry I didn't post yesterday - for some reason it wasn't letting me log in, but I'm at a hotel this weekend and for some reason I write tonnes of stories while I'm there! Thanks for all the lovely comments, I'm glad you liked it!  ***Trigger warning for mentions of domestic violence***

Connie stayed in her office for the rest of her shift, her makeup streaming down her face. She couldn't just walk out on her shift, but she was itching to leave. The time finally came, she could go home. She practically run out of the hospital, all of her friends staring, still not quite sure what went on outside the department. Connie drove as fast as she could home, she needed to catch Jacob before he left.

She ran into her house, searching for Jacob. He was no where to be seen. She searched the entire house and still couldn't find him. He must have left. Connie needed time to think where he could be. She sat on her decking, staring at the incredible view. Jacob had made her the happiest she had ever been, she loved him more than she had ever loved anyone else, but yet he had shattered her heart. Does he actually have a wife?

As she sat in thought, she heard gentle sobbing coming from the garden table. She walked round to find Jacob, in tears. She had never seen him like this before, Connie was hurt to see him like this.

Jacob was in a state. He hadn't been able to explain  about Anna, he had ruined his relationship, and he hadn't ever loved Anna as much as he loved Connie. He was going to leave, go somewhere new, so he wouldn't be reminded of Connie, and the happiest time of his life, that had now turned into the worst.

Connie sat down opposite Jacob, debating on what to say. Jacob looked up to see Connie, and tried to stand up, he was sure Connie didn't want him here. Connie grabbed his hand and pulled him back down, she was going to listen to what he had to say.

"Explain." Connie demanded.

"Thank you so much Connie.." Jacob thanked her.

"Just get on with it." Connie snapped, she was still angry.

"Oh okay, I promise you I was going to tell you, today in fact. Anna and I have just finished going through a divorce, it really wasn't a good marriage." Jacob started, and looked down at his muscular arms.

As Connie looked, she saw faint scars. She grew worried.

"Did she?.." Connie asked, as Jacob nodded, looking at the ground.

Connie grabbed Jacob's hands.

"Babe I'm so sorry, I didn't know, why didn't I see them?" Connie was really worried for Jacob.

"They're faded now, as I haven't seen her for the past 5 years, but it's only been recently she's agreed to a divorce." Jacob was still looking at the ground, his eyes welling up again, he hated talking about his past.

"How long were you with her?" Connie asked.

"15 years" Jacob voice was shaking.

"And she abused you for?..." Connie was curious, but wasn't sure how to ask.

"14, we got married too early, and she changed straight after it.." Jacob wiped the tears from under his eyes.

Connie walked over to Jacob, and hugged him tightly.

"It's ok babe, I wouldn't let anyone do that to you, I'm so sorry, she sounded horrible." Connie comforted Jacob. He pulled away.

"I have to go" He said, and walked towards the house. Connie grabbed his hand, she had to tell him how she felt.

"Jacob, listen, please don't go. I've never been so happy with anyone else. After Sam, I didn't think I could trust anyone, but you changed that. You have made me so happy, and I couldn't thank you enough for that. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you Jacob Masters, and I want to spent the rest of my life with you." Connie confessed, she had to stop Jacob from leaving.

Jacob was speechless. He loved Connie more than anything, he was over the moon that Connie had forgiven him. He pulled her closer, and kissed her passionately, Connie returned this, so happy Jacob was staying.

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