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I'm really happy with that story line, thanks again to sabs-sabs for the idea, it really helped! I have another story-line I am starting today, but there will be plenty more! xx

It had been a few weeks since Connie and Jacob got through the whole 'Wife' thing, and everything was back to normal. The pair had the day off, and were chilling at home.

It was 7am and Connie was curled up in Jacobs arms, watching Grey's Anatomy while Jacob was scrolling through Instagram on his phone. Neither had anything to do that day, and were more than happy relaxing for once!

A few minutes later Connie's phone rang, Grace was trying to FaceTime her. It suddenly dawned on Connie that she hadn't told Grace about her relationship with Jacob! She sat up and looked at Jacob.

"Its Grace. Stay quiet a moment, I want to surprise her about us." Connie asked.

Jacob nodded, stole a quick kiss off Connie and backed off to the other side of the room.

"Hey gorgeous! I haven't spoken to you in ages! How are you sweetie?" Connie was so happy to see Grace.

"I'm fine mum! I just wanted to see.." Grace paused.

"Where are you? That doesn't look like home." Grace asked, Connie was touched when Grace described her house as 'home'

"I have something to tell you baby, I've moved house, it's so much bigger than our old house!" Connie exclaimed.

Grace squealed at this, she had always wanted to move to a bigger house, even though she no longer lived with her mother, she still thought of Connie's house as home.

"That's not all sweetie, mummy's got a new boyfriend!" Connie was anxious for her reply, she hadn't been in a relationship since Sam.

"Really mummy? What does he look like? Is he nice?" Grace was curious.

"He's really nice baby, and you can see for yourself, Jacob come here for me." Connie asked.

Jacob appeared at the camera.

"Hiya Grace, I've heard so much about you, your mum loves you so much!" Jacob greeted Grace, worried for Grace's reaction.

"Hi Jacob, do you live with my mum now?" Grace asked, she really liked Jacob.

"Yeah I do, but don't worry, you still have a bedroom in case you want to visit!" Jacob reassured Grace.

"Mummy," Grace diverted her attention to Connie again, who was beaming.

"I really like Jacob, and if I'm honest, New York isn't as good as I thought it would be. I really like it here with dad, but I think I want to come back to live with you, if that's ok?" Grace said nervously.

"Of course it is baby, Jacob are you ok with that?" Connie asked.

"Defiantly! I'd love that! I can't wait to meet you Grace!" Jacob was so happy, he knew Grace would make Connie happy.

"Also, I want Jacob to be my dad now, he seems nicer than dad, he's always busy." Grace whispered, hoping her dad wouldn't hear. At this Jacob had tears in his eyes, Grace was so adorable.

"Awh baby, by the looks of Jacob, he'd love that! I will get your room ready, can you pass me onto your real daddy? I will arrange with him when you can come, I will get you over here as soon as I can if you want sweetie, I love you." Connie was ecstatic, this is exactly what she wanted, her daughter back.

"I love you too mum, I can't wait to see you, bye Jacob, my soon to be dad!" Grace waved and went to find her father.

Connie introduced Jacob to Sam, who didn't seem impressed. Connie explained the situation, and Sam agreed reluctantly. They arranged for Grace to arrive at Holby airport next week, and Connie put the phone down.

Connie was so excited! She squealed and jumped into Jacob's arms.

"I'm so excited to meet Grace, she seems so lovely!" Jacob stated.

"She loves you, I can tell. I'm so glad you like her. This is everything I want. I'm so happy!" Connie squealed. 

As Connie said that, a wave of sickness rushed through her. She ran to the toilet, Jacob followed concerned for Connie.

After Connie had finished empting the contents of her stomach, she passed it off as a stomach bug, and convinced Jacob nothing was wrong. But the thought was in the back of her mind;

'Am I?'

I know this story-line is a bit predictable, most Jonnie stories follows it, but it is just such a good storyline I couldn't resist it! I will put a twist on it though! xx

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