Chapter 3

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I rushed along, knowing my long conversation with Drew had made me late for work. Not that I was excited about going. My boss was quite the pervert and harassed me at every opportunity. Most of the times, I shrugged it off, but it made me wish my dad was here. I knew he would beat some sense into my boss. My dad had always been there for me when I needed him, even for my "woman problems." I loved him so much and I hurt to think that he was in Afghanistan, risking his life, and would be for the next 7 months. I swallowed the lump building in my throat as I continued to hurry along. 

Crowds of people were gathered in the usually empty plaza. Women were holding tightly to their children, telling them to ignore the screaming woman. I searched, looking for the said screaming woman. It didn't take long to find her.  

She was tall with long brown hair, clinging a long bag to her chest as she yelled profanities to the many officers surrounding her.  

"I can't believe you let that filthy fucking hobo get away. And now you all are just standing here, as if nothing just fucking happened!" The woman screamed in one of the officers faces. He was obviously uncomfortable, as he reached into his crisp, blue uniform pocket, retracting a radio and called for backup.  

"Get off the fucking radio and listen to me, shit head!" She yelled again. I laughed quietly. She sounded like an annoying girlfriend. Many children cringed at her language and grabbed their mothers long trench coats, scurrying to leave.  

As more people began to arrive, it became harder to shove through them. Most ignored my pleas to get by and I was shoved by a few. It would take forever to get all the way across. Then I spotted the perfect chance. A small alley, hidden from view by building edges. My own shortcut. 

I pushed through, my hair flailing in the wind. The alley seemed so far as I trekked up the cobbles in my heels. I had to grab onto pedestrian'a shoulders as I furiously wobbled. A few yelped out at my strong hand, but most ignored it, more intent on the deranged women's babbles. 

I finally made it to the sketchy alley, wishing I had a weapon. There were many homeless people scrunched up into helpless balls. They merely glanced at me as I walked past. My heels clacked loudly against the now smooth road. The alley became emptier and emptier the farther I walked. Then I began to become afraid as I beard footsteps behind me. Yet, every time I looked behind me, no being was ever there. 

Then I was harshly slammed against the concrete walls. I tried to cry out but a large hand was roughly pressed over my mouth. 

"Give me the money and no one gets hurt." The man threateningly whispered as he pushed the barrel of a gun directly to my chest. 

"P-please. I have a brother to take care of. I have family," I begged. Tears spilled over my eyes and I tried to hide the scared sobs that escaped my lips. The cool metal of the gun sent goosebumps all over my body. 

"Just give me the bag." He demanded again. The man's pink, heart shaped lips were pursed in a frown, as if he were holding back something. 

"Please don't hurt me. I-I'll give you the bag, just please don't hurt me." I whispered. Tears flowed harder now and my chest was heaving with sobs. I strained to remove the bag that ran across my chest. I leaned forward to pull the strap over my head and the barrel was shoved deeper into my skin. A loud sob echoed as I tried again to take off the bag with my shaky hands. 

The man took a step back and put the gun away in his torn jeans. His beautiful green eyes were brimmed with tears. 

"I-I'm so sorry." He cried as he sat on the ground beside my feet. His chest panted with loud cries that echoed around the empty alley. 

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