Chapter 18

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I just wanted to let you guys know that I rewrote the first chapter of this.

It is still the same concept but I just didn't like the way the first one sounded so I updated it(:

You can read it if you want but it doesn't make a difference(:




Harry sat beside me at the table as we ate dinner with his reunited family. He was glowing with joy now that he had stopped crying.

Harry laughed particularly hard at a dumb joke Blake cracked and every now and then, he would touch Elizabeth's shoulder or slightly graze Josh's leg to ensure that they were really there.

Drew was in love with Josh. The utter thought of being in the same room as a war veteran made him giddy with excitement. He constantly asked about the hardships of the war and was deeply absorbed as Josh spoke his stories of legendary battles and rough traveling. Drew would respond to every climax in the story with a shout or a cry before resting his head back into his hands and continuing to listen. It was a heartwarming moment, touching to even the coldest soul.

"Where are you all staying?" Harry interrogated. He made sure they were seated in the comfiest chairs, given the nicest plates, and now was confirming they had a place to stay. A perfect host.

"A small hotel about a mile away. Not too far, but a one story hotel was a necessity." Elizabeth answered, giving a knowing look at the wheelchair. For a moment, I wondered how she managed to still be in love with such a ruined man. He really didn't have much left. But then I considered if that were Harry, rolling in solitude from each room, face scarred with a permanent memory of war. It would be easy to live him still. I knew I always would, even if the feeling wasn't mutual.

Was it though? Harry always complimented me, and not to mention we had kissed on more than one occasion. He has even told me himself he loved me, but whether it was a friend love or a romantic love, I didn't know for sure.

The empty clatter of forks being set on the table woke me from my thoughts, a symbol for a diminished appetite. I grabbed the plates as Drew praised Josh for his work. Everyone gave a quiet 'thank you' as I swept up their plates and strode into the kitchen, sinking the plates into hot, soapy water.

I jumped when a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned to face Elizabeth, her blue eyes aged with years of sorrow, her youth unrecognizable.

"Didn't mean to scare you." She giggled, setting the Mac and cheese pan on the counter.

"Thanks." I smiled. I had a broad appreciation for her, considering all she went through, and still carry a shining grin with her.

"Need a hand?" She offered, tracing the granite tiles with her fingertip. Elizabeth was pretty, I noticed, as her eyelashes fluttered over her pale cheeks. Blake got his cheekbones from her and her lips, yet the outstanding brown eyes were Josh's.

"Oh no. I got it." I said. I wanted her to feel like a guest and I wondered how long it's been since someone's done something for her, considering her husband's condition.

"I think it's really great that you take care if Drew. I know it can be hard, but that's a true sacrifice for you. And Harry adores him." Elizabeth confessed. She smiled a candy sweet smile. She may look old, but her personality was young.

"Well, I would never abandon Drew. He's my family and I love him. Harry is too. I love both of them. And of course Drew loves Harry. Actually, he idolizes Harry." I laughed. Drew and Harry had been practically attached at the hip the whole time they've known each other. Elizabeth laughed too, a soprano giggle, then became serious. A rash change and it took me by surprise.

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