Chapter 21

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I attempted to make blueberry pancakes for Harry and I, but it actually just resulted in a huge mess. Random berries were scattered on the floor and puddles of batter soaked the granite countertops. 

"You're doing well." Harry chuckled as he stood behind me. He was shirtless and his warm skin gently grazed mine. 

"Hmm. Maybe you should help then." I suggested, poking him in the side with the mixing spoon. I stepped on a roaming blueberry and it grossly squished under my foot. 

"I'm the over-seer. And all I'm seeing is you destroying my perfectly good pancakes." He shook his finger at me, mocking discipline as I laughed. Harry hummed with delight, his chest pressed to my back as he voice rumbled. 

I cooked in silence for a few moments, Harry's strong arms wrapped around my waist as he placed gentle kisses along my neck. 

"Harry." I merely said, attempting to shake him off. He chuckled into the secluded regions of my neck, making me shiver with delight. Harry placed a wandering hand over my ribs, gradually traveling upwards. I gaped when he slipped his large expanses under my bra. 

The front door slammed open along with a large commotion. Harry jumped and hurried far away from my now aroused body, hoping the intruder would not see our private session. 

Drew and Blake wandered in first, mystery emotions displayed on their solum faces as they balled their fists tightly. Then, Josh's wheelchair rolled in, glinting in the bright light and momentarily blinding me.  

That's when I saw the true horror of the situation. Elizabeth's hands and arms were drenched in blood as silent tears trailed down her face. Josh looked horrendous as well. His already disintegrated skin was torn to shreds, revealing the white bone underneath. His only viable arm was gushing blood and several shards of glass were stuck in it. His chocolate eyes looked at me, begging for mercy. I stood there, staring dumb founded at the horrendous scene displaying itself. 

"Bloody hell! What happened?" Harry cried as he rushed past me, tightly grabbing Elizabeth's hand. She merely shook her head. 

"Harry, we had an accident." She quietly stated, her warm voice barely audible. 

"And now I think it's be best if we go." Elizabeth said. The tears had stopped now, and her blue eyes looked dull and empty, like she had cried all of her happiness away. 

"Go back where?" Harry asked, bewilderment easily readable on his face. Elizabeth tore her hand from his and retrieved Blake from Drew's arms. She slowly turned towards Harry, a look of grief on her face. 


And I swear, for as long as I live, I will never the shattered expression on Harry's face.



That was the word I was hoping to avoid. I couldn't feel. I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. My heart broke into a million splinters, stabbing every nerve. I fumbled in the hazy view my vision allowed. I heard my head hit the floor with a loud thud, but I couldn't feel it. All I could feel was the crushing coldness that consumed me. 


Elizabeth's words repeated themselves around in my head. I hugged my knees tightly to my chest, attempting to prevent myself from demolishing into many irretrievable pieces. My family that I had so deeply desired was being so harshly torn away from me without any reasoning. I didn't understand. I needed to understand. 


I pressed my hands to my ears. I didn't want to hear the fracturing words that twisted my wounds. Elizabeth, so beautiful and happy. Blake, so kind and funny. Josh, my brother. Josh, my only friend growing up. Josh, who understood my every thought. Josh, who was now staring at me with no emotion. His face was a blank canvas that had never been touched by the artist's emotions. 

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