Chapter 12

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I tried to nudge the strong arms away from my body. It was no use. Harry was dead to the world, long lashes covering his emeralds, a quiet smile played on his slightly open lips as subtle snores drifted through the air. His curly hair blew up ever so softly when he exhaled. I didn't want to wake him. He looked so peaceful and calm. So different from that day when he held a gun to me. How long ago was that? Seemed like an eternity.  

Harry snored again and stared at him, taking in his perfect face structure. I resisted the urge to reach up and touch his chiseled cheek bones. 

His eyes popped open. "Enjoying the view?" He smirked. My face grew hot. I can't believe he caught me staring at him. He chuckled at my blush, humming beneath me. 

"How long have we been asleep?" I asked, desperate to change the subject. 

"Hmm." He said, checking his watch. "Wow. It's already 6 in the morning."  

I did the math, about 10 hours. I let out a sad groan. 

"I have to get ready for work." I moaned as I attempted to sit up again. He pulled back down to his chest, forcefully. 

"You could just here with all day instead." Harry grinned. If only I could Harry. If only.  

I pushed myself up again and he reluctantly sat up. We were chest to chest, our faces close. His green eyes stares into mine and it took all my willpower not to reach out and kiss his heart-shaped lips. 

I sat up, my pink dress crinkled from sleep. I prayed I didn't damage it, considering I had spent my last paycheck on it. The soft carpet massaged my feet as I walked toward the bathroom, leaving Harry in my room.  

The door closed loudly and I stripped from the stiff dress with a sigh of relief. I turned the water, twisting the knob to the hottest temperature. I needed a lobster shower for my first day of work.  

The water melted away my worries of work as I massaged the apricot shampoo into my scalp. The smell drifted through the air, another factor that calmed my nerves.  

When the water became too hot, I reluctantly shut the water off. The towels sat on the counter, pink like the rest of my bathroom. I patted my red skin dry and wrapped a towel around my body and twisted my hair up with the other. I opened the door, letting the steam drift into my bedroom. I jumped at the sight of Harry, in the same spot, cheeky grin plastered on his face. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, assuring that the towel covered my entire body.  

"You got to enjoy the view of me sleeping. I'm just returning the favor." He chuckled. Harry dodged the bottle of toothpaste I threw at him. 

"Get out!" I shouted. He laughed again, but stood, trudging over to the door, curls bouncing. He paused, hand on the doorknob. 

"Are you sure I can't stay?" Harry winked, stifling a laugh. I stood there, saying nothing, just impatiently tapping my foot. 

He shrugged then walked out the door, light chuckles echoing off the walls.


I laid on the couch, ignoring the mute tv as I listened to the preferred radio, the music enchanting my ears. Blondie's classic 'One Way or Another' quietly blasted through the speakers and I drummed my fingers to the rhythm.  

Rose appeared moments later, dressed in a bright red dress. I whistled a cat call, and she jumped. 

"Get yourself under control, Styles." She teased, but the undeniable pink tinted her cheeks. Smiling, I stood and wandered over to her. 

"Going to work?" I asked, taking a seat at the bar, but twisting the seat around to face her. 

"Yes, so it will just be you and Drew until four. Um, there isn't much to eat, but I promise to go shopping on my day off. I just need to get some money in right now." She whispered the last part, slightly ashamed. As if she wasn't doing well enough for Drew. I offered her my hand and she hesitated before grabbing it.  

"Trust me. You're doing a great job. You're a saint for taking care if him....and me. And soon enough, I'll have a job and we will both have money. Who knows? Maybe one day we can make it rain bills." I laughed, reassuringly squeezing her soft hand.  

She musically laughed, but there were traces of uncertainty in her eyes. 

"I should really get going." Rose said before giving my hand one last squeeze.

An hour later, Drew bounded into the room, carrying a laptop in his arms. He had a large grin that reached up to the corner of his blue eyes and his blonde hair was slightly ruffled. 

"Guess what, or should I say who I found?" Drew asked, excitement bursting in his voice.  

"Who?" I asked curiously, my full attention locked on him. 

"The one, the only Elizabeth Styles!" Drew shouted eagerly.  

My vision grew fuzzy. Elizabeth? She was alive? I found my breaths getting shallow and face grew uncomfortably hot. 

"Harry? You okay, friend?" Drew asked. 

That's when I passed out.



cliffhanger! Anyways, I have some excited stuff prepared for this book so be prepared. *mischevious smile* *cue thunder* 

I'm kidding but this is about to get exciting(; 

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