Chapter 7

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I would really appreciate if you guys would leave comments telling me what I can do to make the story better. Or if you have any recommendations on what should happen next. Please let me know!(:



Harry sat up from the bed. Not advancing towards Drew. The frightened glance he shared with me was enough to know that he had no idea what to say. 

"Is this guy hurting you?" Drew asked. He struggled to say 'hurting',which made him even madder.  

"No, Drew. This is my friend, Harry. I told him all about you and he said that he wanted to meet you." I stammered. Drew could be so protective, so I was sure not to tell him how we actually met. 

"Hello, Drew. It's really great to meet you." Harry said. He stuck out a hand towards my brother, and smiled his genuine smile. Drew hesitated before firmly shaking his hand. 

"Hi Harry." Drew was still unsure of how to act so he dropped his arm at his side and took a step closer to me. 

"Rose told me that you love war stories. Wanna hear one?" Harry asked. His eyes were a little cautious, but he spoke with confidence. Drew nodded, his smile solemn but his eyes sparked with excitement. He sat next to me, curling into my side as I wrapped an arm around him, giving him a gentle squeeze. 

Harry drew a shaky breath and then smiled at Drew," Okay, when my brother was about a year younger then you, he joined the military. Now I know, he was too young, but he had been preparing for this his whole life. He had always wanted to be a hero. So when Josh, my brother, met the recruiter, he lied and told him that he was really 18. Josh was really tall and looked a lot older than he was, so the recruiter believed him. A few months later, my brother moves all the way to Norfolk, Virginia. They have one of the largest bases in America, so Josh, of course, bragged out moving there for the few weeks we still had left with him. Though, when it was time to leave, I was really sad and wasn't quite sure what to do. He stayed down there for a few months, sending letters constantly. And at the end of my sophomore year, I had saved up enough money to fly all the way down and see him. I was so shocked when I saw him. My baby brother was super buff and strong and really mature. He had met a nice girl named Elizabeth and he told me he was going to propose to her. I was so happy for Josh and Elizabeth made him so happy. While I was down there, Josh took me surfing and taught me how to play guitar and we went camping. It was the best week of my life. When I had to go, I cried and Josh laughed though his eyes were brimmed with tears, too. And I hugged Elizabeth whom I had become really close with and she cried. And then, when I got home, I cried some more. A few months after my visit, I came down again. Elizabeth was already engaged and pregnant with a baby boy. Josh was so happy and it was obvious how much they loved each other. I stayed on base with them for a while and finally something exciting happened. Josh rushed in and told us there were threats of a bomb attack near the oceanfront. I panicked but Elizabeth stayed calm. Josh said he had to go, but he'd be back. Elizabeth and I sat by the fire as she tried to keep me calm, but I was a worrier. Still am. I remember while sitting there that she managed to calm me down by putting a hand on her tummy and I could feel the baby's hiccups and kicks. It kept me distracted for a long while. I don't remember falling asleep but when I woke up Elizabeth was huddled in a ball, sobbing miserably. I stroked her hair but she whisked me away, wanting to be alone. Then, one of Josh's friends came and told me what happened. There were bombs dropped on the ocean front and one had lit a small daycare on fire. When Josh saw he ran over, ignoring his friends who tried to stop him. They said it was no use. Josh ran in, vanished from view. He returned with armfuls of children. Then he would run back in and grab more. They said the last time he ran in, all that came out was a scared little girl, crying about how a man had saved her. Josh never came out of the building. He died, but his body was never found. Josh ended up being the hero he had always wanted to be." 

Harry finished, his voice breaking on the last word. Drew and I sat, still, silent tears streaming down our faces. Harry began to sob and before I could protest, Drew reached forward and wrapped Harry in a warm hug. Harry paused, his heavy breathing loud in the confines of Drew's arms. Then he hugged Drew back, as they quietly rocked back and forth in a silent comfort.  

When Drew sat back beside me, Harry smiled graciously at Drew as he wiped the remains of his tears away. 

"What happened to Elizabeth?" Drew asked. He still had tear pools in the corner of his blue eyes. 

"Never saw her or my nephew again. She emailed me about a year ago, but I could never find the courage to respond." Harry croaked. He ran a hand through his long hair again, forming a bad habit. His green eyes shone with glistening tears as he gently smiled at me. 

"Well, no matter what happens, I'll make sure we find Elizabeth. She needs you." 

Drew firmly stated. He was not going to take no for an answer. 

"Whatever you say, friend." Harry grinned through his tears. Drew's face lit up at the word.  

"Friend?" Drew asked, afraid he was joking. 

"Why would I not be your friend? You are so easy to talk to and you are brave and a good listener. I admire you." Harry said innocently. 

And Drew began to cry again. Really hard. He raced off the bed and hugged Harry tight. I knew Harry had said just the right thing. My heart warmed at their newly established bond. 

"I've never had a friend before." Drew cried, refusing to let of Harry.  

"Well you do now." Harry smiled, eyes twinkling as he hugged Drew tighter. And I'll never forget the look in Drew's face in that moment. Because right then, Harry had said the words that Drew had waited for his whole life.

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