Chapter 24

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My dad and I sat on the leather loveseat, snuggled under a soft blanket as he told me all about his adventures in Afghanistan. The simple pleasure of being in each other’s presence after such a long while was overpowering. His stories fascinated me a she spoke of sandy clothing and the constant sound of gunfire. I was living the war vicariously through him, smelling the smoky air and sweltering under the sun’s hot rays. It soon became too much and I had to wiggle out from under the blanket’s warm grasp.

“Where’s my boy?”

The question that I was hoping to avoid. Of course Dad would want to see Drew. My silence sent a wave of worry through him, his eyebrows scrunching up between them, furrowed in anxiety. A habit I had acquired from years of living with him. He looked like he aged drastically despite the short while I had seen him last. His usual blonde hair was graying and his muscular arms were becoming veiny and splotchy. I never thought of my dad as old, but in a way, he was.

“Rose? Where’s Drew?” He asked again, placing a sensitive hand on my shoulder.

“He’s.., uh, in his room.”

My heart raced as Dad walked over to his door and lightly knocked. The only response was the audible volume increase of Drew’s TV. Dad gave me a confused look before knocking again. The TV became louder.

My dad slammed his broad shoulder into the door, the inevitable squeal amplified as the door shattered open beneath his touch. I followed closely behind him as we entered the sketchy room.

It smelled of moldy cheese and dirty dishes lay scattered around the room, like an abandoned battlefield. Drew was propped up on his elbows, a box of pizza beside him as the TV illuminated his unhygienic body.

“Drew!” My dad cried as he went for a hug. He pounced onto the bed, Drew’s eyes growing wide with surprise.

This is it. My dad is finally going to fix everything. Drew is going to be happy again. I’m going to be happy again.

I was astonished when Drew flailed about under Dad’s strong body. He screamed in frustration as Dad smothered him with kisses. He took a particularly loud slap in the face from Drew, causing him to withdraw from their reunion and flounder up against the wall.

“Drew?” He tentatively called. Dad was obviously hurt by the rejection and winced as he ran a hand over the red mark on his cheek.

“Did I say you could come in?” Drew viciously asked, struggling to pull the duvet over his exposed body. My dad fumbled over his words; obviously panicked that Drew was not the same little boy he was few months ago.

Everybody had changed so much.

“Drew, buddy, it’s me. Your dad.” He spoke in a pained voice and I sensed he was holding back tears. He stared at Drew’s unresponsive figure, which munched on a pizza slice.

“Get out.”

My brother’s voice was harsh as he stared at the TV, focusing only on the reruns of FRIENDS. My dad shook his head and nervously rubbed his arms. I gave him a sympathetic glance before exiting.

He sat at the kitchen table in silence as I hurriedly brewed a pot of coffee. The strong smell relieved my worried thoughts. I set a green, steaming mug in front of him, touching it up with sugar and creamer. He cleared his throat before letting go what he had been holding back.

“What the hell happened?”


I fingered the tattered pages of Romeo and Juliet, many missing from Derrick’s destructive hands. I sat in shaded grassy area, the sun glistening through the oak trees leaves which I rested under. Lately, my hobby was to spend my days here and read. Anything to get away from that wretched apartment. And thoughts of Rose, I reminded myself

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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