Chapter 14

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I literally cried when I wrote that last chapter. I don't know why, but Drew makes my heart hurt. I'm having like second hand emotions through these characters. It's not healthy. 

Anyways, I was just like to say that this chapter is not what your expecting. Or maybe it is. I'm not sure.  

Either way, I hope you enjoy it(:



I walked into the eerily dark house. Usually Harry was there to make sure I got home safe, but he must've been tired. I sighed setting my purse down and flicking on the lights. Everything seemed in order. No dead bodies lying around. 

My feet ached as I walked towards Drew's room. Work was actually relatively easy. The clients were nice enough and the blonde woman, whose name is Pam, was cooperative and patient with me as I learned the how to's of the company. I had to rush over to the filing cabinet after a client left, and each time I gradually became more tired. 

I opened the door gently, hoping to avoid its inevitable squeal. No such luck. The hallway light cast softly into his room, illuminating their snuggled bodies. Harry had an arm wrapped around Drew and they snored in unison. My heart fluttered. It was hard to imagine that this caring creature that lay before used to beat women for their money. I shook that thought from my head as I quickly closed the door.  

"Rose?" Harry called groggily. I could see him sit up in the slim light the half closed door gave.  

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I whispered apologetically. In the dim light, I could see Harry get up and walk over to me, footsteps creaking underneath the worn floorboards. He walked out of the room with me, closing the door behind him. 

"How was your first day?" He smiled, dimples flashing themselves to my eyes. Harry was just so adorable, it hurt. 

I wanted him to be mine, and only mine.  

"Fine." I managed after I realized he was waiting for my reply. 

"You look tired. Wanna lie down?" He asked. I frowned at him, assuming he was making a flirtatious joke, but stopped when I saw his expression. Harry looked at me genuine concern, a small line furrowed between his brow. 

I nodded and he scooped me into his arms, bridal style. I barely stifled a laugh as we galloped down the hall and into my room. He gently set me onto the carpet as he shut the door with his foot. Harry ran past me and flung himself onto the bed, grinning like an idiot. My idiot.  

"Why don't you change into something a little more comfortable?" He purred. I chucked a pillow at him before grabbing a pair of pajamas and proceeding into the bathroom. 

I quickly changed into the sweats and t shirt. I threw the door open, running across the room and tackling him. 

Harry let out a girlish scream causing me to laugh uncontrollably. He rolled us over, wrestling me under him. I was weak from laughter as I attempted to get back on top. 

"No no no. I wanna hear you say that I win." Harry chuckled as I squirmed beneath him. I pretended to lock my lips and throw the key away. He smirked at me, pinning my wrists above my head. 

"Nice move, Styles. Not good enough though." I giggled as I wrapped my legs around him, and swiftly twisted us so I was in top again. This time I pinned his wrists above his head. 

"I thought you locked your lips?" He chuckled, straining to move. 

I laughed evilly," Say I won."  

He wriggled, but I firmly held him in place. 

"No." He said, green eyes narrowing. 

"Really?" I asked, trailing a finger down his torso. His breath quickened at my wandering hand. 

"Okay you win!" He nearly shouted as my hand reached the band of his pants. 

I laughed, retracting my arms so his wrists were free. I sat on my knees atop him as he rubbed his wrists like he just had gotten handcuffs off. Then he pounced, pushing me backwards so he hovered over me. 

"Not." Harry grinned cheekily. He leaned into my neck, warm breath fanning over my chilled skin, sending goosebumps all over. 

"And don't tempt me." He chuckled into the curve of my neck.  

Harry sat back up, panting from the effort of wrestling. He still lay above me as he settled comfortable onto me. My hand ran up and down his spine and I felt him shudder. Harry looked up, staring me in the eyes. The gaze made my pulse race as his green eyes burned into mine. I placed my hand on the nape of his neck pushing him down onto me.  

Our lips crashed in fiery passion, finally letting loose what we had been holding back. His lips were soft, but pressed roughly to mine in the heat of the moment. I gasped for air as he trailed kisses down my neck, his slight pants making me tremble. He looked at me before pressing his lips to mine again. Warmth flooded through my body as I ran a hand through his curls. Harry moaned, grinding his hips into mine. Our bodies were crushed together as I pushed him into me. My hand tugged harder at his hair the more he rubbed our hips together. And as soon as it had started, it was over. 

Harry crawled quickly back, like I had slapped him.  

"Harry? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, my cheeks growing hot. I wasn't really experienced when it came to this kind of stuff. 

"We can't do that again. Rose, I can't ruin out friendship." Harry said. He looked like he had seen a ghost. Pale face and wide eyes. 

"I'm sorry." I said, embarrassed. Why did I feel like I just got dumped?  

Harry noticed my guilt and scooted towards me, gently wrapping me in a hug. 

"It's not your fault. I just can't lose this. In so happy and it would kill me if I lost you and Drew." He confessed. He comfortingly stroked my hair as I leaned into his chest. His heart rate had decreased drastically compared to the steamy moment that had just occurred. He rose from the bed, beginning to walk towards the door. I grabbed his hand, pulling him back to me. 

"Don't go. I'm really sorry and I understand, but please don't leave me." I begged quietly. He shyly smiled as he lay down next to me on his back. I curled into his side and he wrapped a strong arm around me. I fiddled with the string to his hoodie as we lay in peaceful silence. 

"This doesn't mean I don't love you." He said as he kissed my forehead. The spot tingled when he removed his lips and my heart gently fluttered at his words. 

"I love you too, Harry." I confessed shyly. He squeezed his arm, pulling me tighter into him. He hummed a soft tune in my ear and soon I drifted off to sleep.

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