Chapter 16

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"Damn, Claire! Hit me again!" I shouted over the blaring of the speakers. Claire, also know as Pink Hair, tossed another bag on weed into to the bong, lighting it with a laugh. Derrick wrung his orange beanie in his hands.

"Guys, that's my last bag.." He stated nervously. I ignored him. Derrick didn't need the drugs like Claire and I did. Derrick smoked purely for pleasure. He didn't have any problems to escape.

"We'll, we're putting it to good use!" I laughed. The radio blasted a heavy metal screech as Claire took a hit off the bong, blowing the smoke in the air.

"Good stuff." She smiled as her tension oozed away. I snatched it from her with a cheeky grin before inhaling some of the relaxant. My limbs became numb with a tingle of relief as I breathed in again.

"Don't be a hog!" Claire shouted, stealing it back. My vision became jumpy and I didn't quite have the focus to grab it again. Instead, I reached for a clear bottle of vodka. Vodka and pot. I was right back where I had started. At least, there was no Rose here. At the thought of her, the calming effects of the drugs and the deep aching sadness went to war. I felt like I was being ripped apart and I wanted to scream like a madman, but I simply silenced myself by drinking the remains of the vodka.

We sat on the park bench again. I had stayed at Claire's place last night, becoming unbearably drunk and nursing the following hangover with more alcohol. I didn't like the taste but I liked the way it numbed my thoughts. It was drizzling again today as we sat in the deserted park. It was funny how the park was meant for innocent, carefree children, but instead was occupied by stoned teenagers who drank to escape their depressing thoughts. I smiled dryly to myself. What a sick world this was.


Claire laughed giddily at something Derrick had said, but I had zoned out with the vodka bottle pressed to my lips. Liquid courage flowed through me, giving me the confidence to do what I would later regret.

I stood quickly, vision fading and knees shaking. "I'm going to find the girl I love." I stated bravely. Claire laughed, slapping my thighs and Derrick stared at me like he had seen a ghost.

"Trust me, if you go to her now, you'll mess up everything." Derrick pleaded. He had a vast sorrow in his eyes and I assumed he had learned the hard way.

I merely chuckled. "I already messed everything up. So I'll be seeing you guys, later." I waved as I tottered away, grateful the street was abandoned or I surely would have got run over.


I banged on her door repeatedly until she opened it. Rose. She was so beautiful and sweet. Her blue eyes scanned me with disappointment, noticing my drunken state. Her rosy lips were pursed in a frown. She crossed her arms over her chest, flashing me tinges over purple. Lighter, but still noticeable.

"Harry! Bloody hell! You're a mess! Where have you been?" Rose yelled, huffing angrily. Well, she thought it was angry. I thought it was adorable. I didn't say anything, just stood there, taking in her sweet glow. Rose pulled me in the house, slamming the door behind me before rushing into the kitchen and starting a pot of coffee.

"Eat this. It will sober you." She said tenderly as she handed me a slice of bread. I ate it hungrily, realizing it has been a long while since I had eaten.

"You smell like drugs and alcohol. Have you....been smoking pot? Your eyes are red." Rose asked, a small furrow between her brow. I didn't answer as she poured the steaming coffee in a cup, sliding it towards me. I took a grateful sip, feeling my senses come back to me.

"Let me start from the beginning." I said.



I sat, absorbing every word of Harry's ashamed story. It was obvious he regretted what he did. In all honesty, I didn't care that he did drugs or drank. I was just relieved he was home.

When he left, I cried for a long time. I thought I lost him forever. Drew would bring me pizza and chocolate as we watched all of the Toy Story movies. I never told him that it was Harry that had caused this pain, in hopes he'd come back and everything would go back to normal.

"Why'd you do it, Harry?" I asked, reaching for his warm hand. He smiled, showing the dimples I loved, as we interlaced fingers. He flipped my arms over, staring intently at the purple markings, as he matched his fingerprints perfectly with it. He sniffled and pulled me into the warm comfort of his body I had been craving. I rested my head into the crook of his neck as he teared up and I brushed his curls with my hands.

Harry lightly pressed his lips next to my ear. "Why did I leave?" He whispered.

"Why'd you drink?" I asked, stroking his soft cheek. His striking green eyes found mine as we held each others gazes.

"Because it hurt. It hurt to think that I caused you harm. Or to think that I made you cry. But I mostly drank because I missed you. Your sweet giggle, your blushing cheeks, your sky blue eyes, your soft skin, and the way you care for everyone around you." He cupped my chin, lifting my face to his.

"I love you, Rose." He whispered.

Then we kissed. Not a steamy kiss, but the sweetest kiss you could imagine. He softly stroked my hair as his warm lips pressed mine, expressing all the feelings we could never say. In that moment, I didn't care about his past or my past or the fact that we were both pretty messed up. We were made for each other. Fate had brought us together on that day and fate had brought us here to this heart stopping kiss. Harry gently pulled away, green eyes shining.

"I love you too." I smiled.

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