Chapter 4

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Rose talked about aimlessly about her apartment, but I still managed to find myself fascinated, caught up with every word she was saying. We wandered towards a small restaurant that went unnoticed by many. It was a rare find. The interior was beach themed and the walls were glass and looked right out over a vast lake. Sometimes, the chefs would slip me the remains of someone's unfinished meal and I was eternally grateful. The waitresses were kind and let me sit in a booth sometimes, reading the paper as I watched the lakes small waves reach the sandy shore. 

Rose's arm tensed, intertwined with mine, as a especially cold wind hit us. Her brown hair whipped in the wind and I smiled at her annoyed expression.  

"We're almost there. I promise." I reassured her when she glanced at me with a pained look. She instantly smiled at my words and my heart jumped in my chest. How could a girl I met only a few hours ago, and I tried to kill, not notice what a washed up piece of filth I was? Yet, here she was, voluntarily linking arms with and ignoring the disgusted states pointed our direction. And the fact that she sat with me after I pointed a gun at her. Rose was either really brave or really stupid. I didn't care. She was nice enough to befriend me and that's all that mattered. 

Rose tottered as she walked along. Her heels were getting caught in the street cobbles. I bent in front of here, on one knee as I grabbed her ankle. 

"Allow me." I said with a slight bow. She giggled and surprisingly so did I. I don't know how long it's been since I truly laughed, but I guess that was a perk of having a friend. She extended her leg towards me and I removed one heel. Then we repeated the process and I removed the other.  

"Ta-dah!" I said with a wink and she laughed again. The wind had paused and her long, brown hair settled around her shoulders. Rose was actually quite beautiful. Of course I wasn't going to tell her that though.  

We began to walk again. Rose's heels were held in my free hand. She walked next to me, but in her tip toes and I stopped. 

"Why are you doing that?" I asked. Was I too tall for her to walk next to? 

"My feet kind of hurt." She blushed, a pretty pink shade, as if this were embarrassing. Or maybe she felt as if this was a pain towards me. I merely laughed. Another real laugh. 

I crouched in front of her," Your steed awaits, my lady." I chuckled. Rose laughed and was about to jump on my back but then stopped. 

"What? Are you afraid I won't be able to carry you? You're defiantly not going to be heavy." I stated. She blushed again, so natural and pretty. 

"No. It's just that,um, Im wearing a dress." Rose nervously laughed. I didn't notice her dress. It was covered by her black peacoat, but light shades if blue peaked out underneath. I smiled. It was my favorite color. 

"Well, why didn't you just say so?" I laughed and then picked her up bridal style, not noticing the annoyed stares of fellow pedestrians. She squealed laughter and I ignored her protests to put her down. I continued on towards the restaurant, laughing the whole way. 

Eventually, Rose gave up trying to be out down. She hesitated and then proceeded to wrap her arms around my neck, settling her head into the crook of my neck. I hoped she couldn't hear my heart beating fast. 

It was surprising how comfortable I was with Rose. I feel like I could tell her anything. As we walked, we shared stories of school and I told her about how I had dropped out to move to California. I used to love to surf so I wanted to move to where the beaches were beautiful, but once I had gotten there it was not what was expected and I soon got into drugs and heavy drinking. I was caught with a bag of potand taken to jail, where I stayed for a year. My parents refused to speak with me after and I had no where to go. I tried to live with friends but most gone onto college or were engaged. And I was declined from most jobs because if my jail record. 

"And that's how I ended up on the streets." I finished. Rose was silent for a moment. I could see her eyelashes fluttering and her hands fiddled with her shoes in her lap as I carried her. 

"I'm sorry. I wish I could have been there to help you. Don't you have any brothers or sisiters?" She looked at me. I noticed that Rose had pretty blue eyes, but they were watery. She was crying. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked. This didn't happen to her. Am I hurting her? I moved my arm, but she only sniffled, showing no signs of shutting off the water works. 

"I'm sorry. That just made me sad. I can't believe your parents left you like that. You're their child, for gods sakes!" She clenched her fist in her shoes, knuckles turning white. 

I smiled at her concern. We walked in silence for a few minutes as I waited for Rose to stop crying. The little mascara she wore has been wiped away by her hands, but somehow she still managed to look beautiful. I had always noticed all girl's beauty, but Rose was something else. There was sort of a light around her. Her own little aurora. 

"I had a little brother." I stammered. I felt a lump in my throat rise. I tried to swallow it down but it remained. 

"Where is he now?" Rose asked cautiously. She noticed my wavering voice. I couldn't talk about it, even with Rose. It was too soon. 

"Here we are!" I said diverting her attention. The restaurant loomed in the shadows, giving it a scary appearance, but I knew it was nice inside. 

I put Rose down, easing he to to the now smooth road. She put on her heels and walked beside me towards the restaurant. 

Rose didn't ask me again about my brother and I was glad.


The air in the restaurant warmed my cold body but not my chilly thoughts. What has happened to Harry's brother? I knew better than to ask, but it really pulled at my heart strings. 

Harry seemed to know the staff here. He greeted the older red headed waitress with a kiss on the cheek. The young waiter, he slapped on the back. I giggled at the waiters expression, shocked by Harry's rough hit. 

"Teresa, you look lovely as always." Harry said charmingly. The red head smiled and chuckled. 

"Harry, in all my years, I have never met a customer as sweet as you." Teresa smiled. I liked their relationship. She was sort of motherly towards him which warmed my heart. They continued their banter until she noticed me. 

"My oh my! Harry, who is this adorable young lady?" She reached out her slightly wrinkled hand towards me. I took it with a slight shake, but was surprised when she pulled me in for a hug. Harry's chuckle echoed beside me. 

"This is my friend, Rose. Be careful. She's a little stuck up." He pretended to whisper. He winked at me when I jokingly frowned. I knew he was teasing. Teresa played along. 

"Well, then why don't we pull out the golden thrones for you, your highness." She laughed a hearty laugh and I joined in, knowing more and more I liked Teresa a lot.

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