Chapter 10

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I sat in the uncomfortable wooden chair, facing the frightening woman as she fingered through my résumé. Sometimes she would make a noise, as if something particularly was interesting to her. Other times she would furrow her brows. Either way, I clenched the mahogany arm rests until my knuckles turned white. This was my third job interview of the day at a publishing company. They were looking for someone to greet clients, hold files, answer calls, and all of those office things. My first two interviews had not gone particularly well considering I arrived late for both. In the end. It didn't matter because this was the job I desired. It had big bucks written all over it.

I smoothed the pink dress against my thighs, wishing I owned a business suit like the professional looking woman did so. Her blonde hair was in a sleek bun and she wore a smooth coating of foundation, making her appear younger than she probably was. I found myself staring at her, until she cleared her throat, setting my résumé on top her clean desk.

"I must say, Rose, you appear to have all the qualities we look for." She said, giving me a slight nod. My heart jumped at her desired words. This was it. My verdict. Job or no job.

"Unfortunately, your recommendation letter reads that you were fired from your old job for not showing up. That is highly frowned upon here at our company." Her red lipsticked lips were pursed in a frown. I felt my confidence waver.

"Oh, um, yes. About that. You see, I had a family emergency that could not be ignored. When I informed my past boss of such events, he ignored me and fired me on the spot. It was a one time thing and I can assure you that will not happen here. I will value this job." I said, pleased at my official sounding vocabulary. The woman smiled, my heart beat quickening. I needed this job badly. Especially now that Harry had moved in.

Harry. I was calmed at the thought of his soothing green eyes. His cheeky grin slowed my heart beat and the thought of his warm hug loosened my grip on the arm rests.

"Well, that sounds promising, Miss Rose. Indeed, we would love to have you here." She stated. I just barely contained the wide grin spreading on my face.

Her make upped eyes narrowed. " But just know, at the first slip up, you will be promptly fired. No excuses." The woman warned.

Her warning sent a slight shiver down my spine. I knew not to mess with her. Actually, I should probably befriend this woman, just in case.

"So when do I start?" I grinned.


I awoke in an empty bed. The comfort of Harry had evaporated. My favorite war book sat in his spot as if he had purposely moved it out of my way. I rose, making no attempts to be quiet. Rose was gone and Harry was awake, I assumed. The door squealed open, the bottom of it dragging on the wood floor.

The kitchen was deserted, except for a slice of toast. I picked it up with eager hands, disappointed at its lack of warmth. I ate it hungrily anyway, not caring.

"Harry?" I called. There was no response. I wandered towards the couch. Empty. Along with the dining table.

I hobbled over to Roses 's room, my shorter leg fumbling on the slick wood. It annoyed me, but I had grown used to my imperfections.

Her door glided open easily on her tan carpet. Harry lay curled up in ball, copies of Rose's books lay strewn around him. It looked like he was the sun and the books were his rays. I smiled at my sleeping friend. I secretly hoped he would stay for a long while, teaching me how to play guitar and staying up late, reading war stories to each other. I knew he loved Rose too. We made a perfect little family. And soon Dad would come home and he would love Harry. And we would go camping and fishing. I felt as if Harry was more of a brother than a friend. I smiled at the thought. I have never had a brother before either.

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