"PATRICK MARTIN STUMP!" Pete yelled down the hallway of the hotel as he chased Patrick. "GIVE IT BACK!"
"Nope!" Patrick called over his shoulder before turning a corner. Pete raced after him. Patrick slid down the railing of the stairs, hopping off at the bottom and flying up the opposite flight.
Pete followed, surprised when Patrick turned around and bolted into the elevator just as it closed.
Pete stopped and caught his breath, falling on the floor before sighing and flipping off Joe and Andy, who were laughing at the end of the hallway.
"Shut up," Pete said, already missing his phone. Then he realized the real reason he didn't want Patrick to have it. Oh, God. "Joe, Andy! Help me get my phone, now!" He said, springing to his feet before sprinting up the stairs. Joe and Andy didn't question, just followed close behind.
Pete ran past all the doors until he reached his and Patrick's, stopping and flinging the door open. Patrick just sat there, wide eyed and absorbed into what he was reading. His face was blushed and his glasses were falling off his face.
"Patrick.... I- I can explain," Pete said as Joe and Andy appeared behind him. Patrick ignored him and just scrolled on. Pete paled and covered his face, to embarrassed to say anything else.
Patrick gasped and covered his mouth with his cardigan sleeve, which was too long for his hands. His face blushed out even more, and he carefully pushed his glasses back up with his finger. Andy and Joe slowly backed away, mumbling until they were out of ear shot, leaving Pete an Patrick alone. Pete stood up straight and closed the door, leaning against it and sliding down to the floor. Neither said anything, Pete too embarrassed and Patrick too shocked. Patrick just read on.
And Pete knew exactly what he was reading.
It was the last thing he had up on his phone, not bothering to close it out. It was his latest texting session with Brandon Urie.
P: hey
B: how's the whole tour going
P: can I tell u something
B: sure
P: please don't tell anyone
B: ok?
P: I'm serious
B: I won't tell
P: for real I will kill u
B: dude wtf just tell me
P: I think I'm in love with Patrick
P: seriously don't tell him
P: Brandon
P: r u drunk
P: pleaaaaase don't tell Patrick
P: I really wanna keep things cool with him
B: okay I won't
P: thanks
B: I gotta go but AH
P: byePatrick closed his eyes softly and locked Pete's phone again, setting it on the bed.
Pete looked up at his name, his face red. Patrick was slipping his fedora off and hiding his nose with it, trying to cover his blush. Pete did the same with his knees, ducking half his face in between them. Pete's heart skipped a beat when Patrick looked up at him.
Damn, he was too adorable. His blue puppy eyes mixed with his slightly ruffled hair, and his short little arms covered by his too-long sleeves. Pete couldn't stare for too long before having to turn away.
Pete heard soft footsteps, then a small hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Patrick sitting beside him, his fedora placed sideways on his head. It wasn't long before Patrick leaned in and kissed him. Patrick pulled his lips away and pressed his forehead on Pete's. All Pete heard next was a soft,
"I love you, too...."
(A/N Sorry this one's so short, I was kinda busy today. Idk I might continue this one??? We'll see. For now, hope you enjoyed it!)

Fall Out Boy
FanfictionMost of these if not all are gonna be Peterick guys. Ohyis. If it doesn't have a ship name on it it's not a couple fic, it's just a short story. Enjoy! Yes, guys, I drew the cover.