"You're a prince!?"
Patrick seemed to flinch at the word, nodding slowly and looking down.
"Yeah.... It just felt nice to be treated like everybody else...." Patrick said with a sigh. "Now that you know, I'm sure that's gone...." He sat down, a longing look on his face as he looked back up at Pete. Pete felt bad at that moment- the boy just wanted to be treated normally.
"I can still treat you the same...." Pete said gently, immediately getting the attractive boy's attention. "I know you're a prince, but I don't really care. Royalty doesn't change you. Well, it does, but I like you. I can treat you normally if you want me to...." Pete said with a smile. Patrick swam over to him quickly and hugged him tight.
Pete smiled at the sudden show of affection, hugging him back and closing his eyes. After a moment he heard a soft thumping sound, and looked up to see Patrick's tail thumping down on the bedside. Patrick noticed him staring and bolted away, blushing madly and apologizing.
"M-my apologies!" He said, flustered. Pete didn't quite understand what was going on.
"For what?" He asked. Patrick fiddled with his hands, running his fingers through his hair.
"That's a- uhm- thing that mermen do, but only to their spouses. You have to be married to do that with someone." Then it clicked in Pete's head. He blushed eyes widening. So basically sex, he told himself. He nodded slowly in understanding, and Patrick turned around and picked up his crown. He sighed, putting it on his head and looking at himself in disapproval.
"I'm a bad prince," he started, "we're not supposed to go anywhere near humans and now I have one in my bedroom." Then suddenly he gasped, covering his mouth. "I can make you not human! And your friend!" He said excitedly.
"Excuse me, WHAT!?" Pete asked. Patrick just giggled and waved his tail a bit, ignoring his question.
"It's easy, doesn't hurt, and plus you can stay here! It's not so bad down here!" Patrick said happily. Pete shook his head.
"I have a home and a family! ABOVE the fucking ocean!" Pete countered. Patrick flinched at his outburst, a heart-shattering look clouding his eyes. He look as if he were crying, but Pete couldn't tell since they were underwater.
"I-.... I'll let you go then...." Patrick said quietly, hurt lacing through his voice. Pete's gaze softened, and he looked at the very obviously upset merman.
"I didn't mean it like that...." He said. Patrick just shook his head.
"I'll let you go," Patrick repeated, swimming over and grabbing him. Pete didn't want to go back to the surface just yet. He did the one his mind bolted to.
He kisses Patrick- full on the lips.

Fall Out Boy
FanfictionMost of these if not all are gonna be Peterick guys. Ohyis. If it doesn't have a ship name on it it's not a couple fic, it's just a short story. Enjoy! Yes, guys, I drew the cover.