Pete and Joe hadn't seen anything of Patrick for a week.
They went out, swam around the same area, but couldn't find him. They found the castle, even remembered exactly where it is, but saw no signs of the blue merboy.
"Do you think we'll ever see him again?" Pete asked with a sigh, his hand running through the water as the two went back out to where the castle was. Joe chuckled, shrugging slightly as he slowed the boat down.
"You're obsessed. Even more than me," Joe said, gasping slightly and giggling. "You LIKE him!" Joe said. Pete jerked his head up.
"What!?" Joe just giggled more.
"You like Patrick!" He concluded, still smiling. Pete shook his head rapidly.
"I don't even- yAH!" Pete screamed as he was yanked under the boat, the force almost tipping it over. He could feel four hands pulling him down underwater, and the sound of Joe screaming his name before everything went black.
When Pete came to, he was in a huge room, laying on a bed and covered completely in water. He jolted up, surprised when he wasn't choking or suffocating. He could breathe.
He started to panic slightly, before he saw a merman with red hair he had never seen before. His tail was orange, unlike the familiar blue he loved so much. The merman swam closer to Pete, examining him to make sure he wasn't armed, including poking and prodding in places Pete was definitely not comfortable with.
"Who are you....?" The merman spoke, his voice a lot less menacing than his looks. Pete gulped.
"P-Pete.... Pete Wentz.... Where am I? What is-" he stopped, seeing a blue tail by the doorway a few moments before Patrick peeked in the room.
"Patrick, not now." The orange-tailed merman said gently. Patrick came in a bit more.
"I wanna see him...." Patrick said, with a slight accent. The other merman sighed, shaking his head. "Please, Andy," Pete liked the way Patrick's voice sounded. Andy sighed again, swimming away slightly and sitting on the other side of the room. Patrick swam over to Pete, smiling and playing with his hair.
"Pete," Patrick said softly. And goddamn, Pete loved the way the merman said his name. Patrick giggled, tail flicking happily as his face blushed red.
"Back off now, Patrick." Pete then noticed Andy had an accent too, but a lot less noticeable than Patrick's. Patrick huffed, crossing his arms.
"No," Patrick stated simply. Andy looked shocked at his answer, and Patrick didn't give him time to respond before shoving him- gently, mind you- out of the room and shutting the door. "We have your friend too, he knows your safe." Patrick said softly, swimming back over to Pete.
"Joe?" Pete asked, sitting up. Patrick nodded.
"He's in Andy's room. You're in mine right now," Patrick said, going over and grabbing a comb-like shell and running it through his hair a few times, then letting it flow naturally through the water. Pete smiled.
"You've got a nice room then...." Pete said, kicking his feet and swimming around slowly. Patrick giggled.
"Thank you," he said, "it's nice to be treated normally for once." Patrick said with a longing look in the mirror.
"What do you mean?" Pete asked. Patrick picked up a small golden crown and placed it gently on his head, sighing afterward. He then turned around and looked at Pete.
"My daddy's the King,"

Fall Out Boy
FanficMost of these if not all are gonna be Peterick guys. Ohyis. If it doesn't have a ship name on it it's not a couple fic, it's just a short story. Enjoy! Yes, guys, I drew the cover.