Patrick sped over to Pete's house, which was just across the street from the restaurant he was currently at. He rang the doorbell, anxious due to an urgent text he had just gotten from Pete.
Pete opened the door slowly and poked his head out.
"Hey Patrick! I got something I really wanna show you, close your eyes!" Pete said as he yanked Patrick inside and shut the door.
"Oka-ay?" Patrick laughed and obeyed, covering his eyes with his hands.
He heard Pete whistle, and the sound of a chain. Pete pulled Patrick's hand away from his eyes to reveal a Rottweiler sitting in front of him, a chain collar around his neck with a tag saying, 'Blake'.
"You, got a dog....?" Patrick said as Blake sat down on his feet. "Uhm, he's sitting on my fee-eet!" Patrick smiled as the puppy looked up at him upside down.
"Yeah, he likes to do that for some reason. He's cute as hell, though! Blake!" Pete called for the dog, who took a moment to comprehend that Blake was him. He skipped over to Pete, who picked him up as he started licking his face.
"Aw," Patrick smiled, realizing that he had never had a dog. He walked over to Pete and pet Blake's soft fur around his neck, examining his collar. "This must've been expensive." Patrick said as he saw Blake's name tag was diamond in crested.
"Oh yeah, but he looks badass." Pete said, kissing in between his ears, and getting a lick in return.
"Have you told Andy and Joe yet?" Patrick asked as Pete set down the dog and let him run around Patrick's feet again. Patrick sat down on the couch, Blake sitting on his lap.
"No, you're the first one I've told." Pete said, siting next to him on the couch. Patrick then thought about getting his own dog, considering he's allergic to cats.
"What do you think would be a good dog for me to get?" Patrick asked. Pete looked up at him, smiling a little.
"I never took you as a dog person," Pete stated. Patrick shrugged.
"I'm not, usually. I'm allergic to cats and I've never had a pet before, besides my hamster when I was like 12." Patrick explained, running his hand through Blake's fur again.
"Australian Shepherd."
"What?" Patrick looked up at Pete, who shrugged at him and ran his fingers through his bleach-blonde hair.
"You should get an Australian Shepherd. Those are fairly small, and easy to take care of." Pete explained.
"Oh," Patrick said, "what's it look like?" Pete pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of the Australian Shepherd.
"It's so cute," Patrick said, his smile growing. "You really think I should get one of those?" Pete nodded.
"I'll help you pick one out, come on! They had some at the place I got Blake." Pete stood, taking his new puppy, attaching a leash to his chain link collar, and setting him down. He headed outside, Patrick following close behind.
Pete drove for about 10 minutes before they got to the pet shop, Blake not sitting still for more than 2 minutes, climbing around on Patrick's lap and on the sides of the car.
"Alright, get the dog and let's go in." Pete said, hopping out of the car.
"Blake," Patrick called to the dog who had ventured to the other side of the car. He pranced over to Patrick, stepping in between his legs. "Ohp!" Patrick doubled over as Pete opened the door, picking up Blake and helping his friend out of the car.
"Ow.... Damn, that hurt," Patrick whined. Pete chuckled and apologized as they stepped inside.
"Hello! Back so soon, Peter?" The lady at the counter asked. Pete smiled and nodded, standing Patrick up straight with a nudge of his elbow.
"My friend Patrick needs an Austi." Pete explained. The girl brightened up.
"We just got a new litter of them in yesterday! They're about 4 weeks old, 3 girls and a boy." She stepped out from behind the counter and lead the boys back to one of the rooms. "Hey, Blakey!" She cooed to the dog Pete was holding. Blake started squirming, and Pete put him down, holding his leash tightly as Blake pulled on it.
The girl opened a door, and Patrick instantly heard whines and tiny barks. He walked in and saw a group of dogs playing around with a ball that squeaked across the floor as it rolled, sending all the puppies rushing after it. The ball rolled between Patrick's legs, one of the puppies bumping into him and stopping to look up.
"Hi there, little one." Patrick bent down and picked up the puppy as it's litter mates raced around him.
"- apparently he like to sit on people's fee- oh, looks like Patrick found a dog!" Pete said, walking over with Blake in his hands. "You like this one?" Pete asked.
Patrick nodded as he cradled the puppy, it sitting calmly in his arms, eventually falling asleep. "I want this one," he stated.
"That's one of the girls, I can tell because she has that pure black ear. The rest of them have speckled ears." The girl said, walking up to Patrick and ruffling the puppy's fur, and evidently waking her up. She didn't bark, didn't squirm, just looked up sleepily at Patrick as if he had owned her forever.
"She's perfect for you, Trick." Pete said as Blake licked his chin. Patrick tucked his nose into his puppy's fur and walked over to register her.
"What do you wanna name her, Patrick?" The girl asked. Patrick thought on it for a moment, before finally deciding.
"I like Maggi. No 'e' at the end." He added. Pete nodded in approval.
"M-A-G-G-I? No 'e'?" The girl checked. Patrick nodded. Pete pulled Patrick's wallet out of his pocket and paid for Maggi, placing it back.
"Alright, and this week we're giving out free collars with every dog, so feel free to pick one." The girl said, gesturing to a wall behind her with collars pinned to it. Patrick scanned over it, deciding on a purple collar with rhinestones around it. The girl took it down and clipped it around Maggi's neck.
Pete smiled. "Alright, let's get going." He lead Blake out and opened the door, lifting him into the car and letting Patrick get in before closing the door and getting in the driver's seat.
"You happy with her, Trick?" Pete asked after a few minutes. Patrick smiled at the little fur ball in his arms.
"Of course," he whispered, cautious not to wake Maggi up again. That was pointless, for not a minute later Blake nudged Patrick's arm, shifting Maggi and waking her up.
"Damn it, Blake," Pete smiled, "let the pup sleep." He leaned back, keeping his eyes on the road, and lifted his Rottweiler into the passenger's seat.
Maggi looked up at Patrick for a moment again before resting her head in the crook of his arm and falling asleep again. Patrick smiled at her again.
"Sleepy girl, huh?" He whispered. They headed out and bought a few things for Maggi: a dog bed, a water bowl, a few toys, and a leash- before heading back home.
Before he knew it they were back at Patrick's house, and Pete let Blake run around and explore. He took Maggi's dog bed out of the back along with her bowls, making a second trip to grab her toys.
When Pete returned, Maggi was sniffing around the house, Patrick watching on the couch with admiration, and this huge smile plastered on his face.
"Well," Pete said softly, and Patrick snapped his head towards him. "Not a dog person?" Pete crossed his arms over his chest.
"You know what?" Patrick said, staring back at Maggi. "Dogs are awesome."

Fall Out Boy
FanfictionMost of these if not all are gonna be Peterick guys. Ohyis. If it doesn't have a ship name on it it's not a couple fic, it's just a short story. Enjoy! Yes, guys, I drew the cover.