Chapter 2

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  Mom pulled into the driveway as my head was laying on the seat belt. I couldn't help but think about Nathan all the way home. I stared at him until I couldn't see him any more before we pulled out of the parking lot of the reunion.

  "Megan." She said shaking my shoulder. I think she thought I fell asleep.

  "Yeah?" I asked picking my head up looking at her.

  "Were home." She said.

  I stretched my arms out and pulled the door handle as Mom was getting out. I stepped out into the cool night. My feet hurt from the heels and my dress was beginning to irritate me. I couldn't wait to get this thing off. It wasn't one of those poof all out ball gowns but it was a simple white dress with a floral pattern at the bottom, with a light strip of light blue that ran right under my chest that matched the floral pattern.

  I followed behind Mom as we walked up the driveway. It was pure black out and I couldn't see a thing. I was lucky that the driveway was paved and there wasn't any rocks or pebbles that I could trip on. When we reached the porch the outside light came on. Mom put the key in the door and immediately Milo started barking. She pushed the door in and Milo ran to me.

  He was a bull-dog. He was my Milo. He was my best-friend we did everything together. I walked him everyday, we slept together, watched T.V. together and, then there was my Mom's cat Abbie. Abbie hated Milo and I. She only liked my Mom and Dad. I'm more of a dog person if you ask me. She's the reason why I hate cats.

  "Hey boy!" I said babying him rubbing the flab on him all over. I pushed him gently into the house and closed the door behind me. I turned to the couch and Abbie hissed.

  "Hello to you too." I said to her.

  "Megan be nice." Mom said scooping Abbie up and carrying her into the kitchen.

  "You should really be telling Abbie that." I said.

  "Right..." She said. I followed her into the kitchen with Milo following me. She put Abbie in one of the 3 chairs.

  I watched her as she fixed a cup of coffee for herself.  Milo walked under the chair and Abbie swatted at him.

  "Hey!" I yelled. Then stomped scaring Abbie into the living room.

  I looked over at Mom. She was sipping her coffee. I was waiting for her to say something. I always get yelled at for fighting with Abbie.

  "Really?" She asked.

  "Yeah really." I said back.

  I walked over to the chair that Abbie was in and sat there and started  thinking. Then Nathan floated into my head once more. He was just so... jaw dropping I guess you would call it. He was gorgeous. I think I might be obsessed... Then I started thinking about tomorrow.

  "Hey Mom?" I asked.

  "Hmm?" She said as she was sipping her coffee once more.

  "What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked.

  She walked over to the table and sat in the chair infront of me with her coffee mug in her hand.

  "I don't know honey, Grandma invited us to go to her house swimming with Cody and his friend there...what was his name?" She asked.

  "Nathan?" I asked.

  "Right." Mom said.

  Wow. I get to see him again. What makes it even better is that it's tomorrow.

  "I'm not sure if were going though yet." She said lifting her cup once more.

  "Why?!" I asked.

  I wanted to see him again so bad.

  "Your father has late shift tonight and that's why he missed the reunion."  Mom explained.

   "Oh" I said.

  My Dad worked all day and most of the night. He usually never has time for us.

  "Yeah well you better get to bed. It's getting late." She said. She looked down at her watch and back at me. "It's almost 11:45 already."

  I slowly got out of the chair and made my way upstairs.

  "Come on Milo." I said.

  My heels clacked one step at a time up the stairs. I walked all the way down the hall to my room. The last door on the right.

  I opened the door and let Milo in first. I closed the door behind me and flipped the light switch. My lime green walls made the room seem brighter. I walked over to my bed and pulled my heels off. I rubbed my feet. They were so sore.

I slowly un-zipped my dress from the back and grabbed my silky shorts with polka dots on them and a light blue tank top from my dresser. I changed and went over to my window. I looked at the stars and wondered. Am I falling for him?

  I sat there for about 20 minutes just staring. I guess at one point Milo got in my lap. I lifted him in my arms and made my way back over to my bed. He woke up. I lifted the sheets and climbed in. I held them up so Milo could get in too. He layed parallel to my body. I could feel his warmth. I gave him a sqeeze and wriggled his extra skin like I always did.

  I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Mom. My light was still on.... I always forgot about it until the last minute.

  "Mom!" I yelled.

  I heard her footsteps coming towards my room. The door popped open and her head peered through.

  "Yeah honey?" She asked.

  "Can you turn off my light?" I asked.

  "Sure." She said. SHe came into my room and hit the switch. She walked over to my bed and kissed my forehead.

  "Goodnight sweetie." She said.

  :"Night." I said.

  She walked out and closed the door slowly behind her.

  The dreaming began. I pictured his face in my mind once again...

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