Chapter 7

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  The trees passed quicker and quicker before I could even get a good look at them. My head was laying against the window as Grandma sat next to me. We were in a taxi on our way home, well back to my house. Grandma called Mom and Mom wanted to make sure everything was okay. She's a Mom and I understand that she's supposed to worry but I was fine.

  In my opinion I seriously wanted to go back to home but, I don't want to leave Grandma alone. Who knows what the hell is going to happen! I got pushed down the stairs and not to make it point out who it was but that boy was standing right there smirking! What if something happens to Grandma? That would kill me.

  I looked up at the sky clear blue and not a cloud in sight. Just blue. Sky blue. It had to be in the afternoon by the way the sun looked. We turned and stopped at a red light. I was looking at the sidewalk when a boy with his hand in a black sweat shirt walked by.  He was looking down at his feet. He had black hair and those piercing blue eyes seemed way too familiar.

  It was Nathan! Nathan. Nathan was walking by the taxi. I sunk down into the seat very fast. I guess not fast enough because he was already looking. Our eyes were glued once more on each-other until the taxi motioned forward.

  I wonder where he was walking to. Maybe to some secret planning place where he's making another plan. A plan to kill. Maybe a plan to even kill me...

  "Megan? Are you alright?" Grandma asked as she looked at me worriedly.

  I straightened up so now I was looking like a slump.

  "Yeah? Why?" I asked.

  "You just seemed un-easy that's all." She said.

  "Oh." I said.

  The taxi pulled into my driveway and I didn't even notice until he said, "That'll be $15.00 ma'am."

  Grandma pulled her purse up and un-zipped it. She pulled out a ten and five dollar bill and handed it to then man.

  "Thank ya." He said and stuffed the money into a case he had in the pasanger seat.

  Grandma and I opened our doors and hopped out. I slammed the door shut and pain shot up my arm.

  "Ow!" I said.

  "What?" Grandma asked.

  "I slammed the door and my arm like it hurt..." I said grabbed a hold of my elbow.

  "Well the doctor did say to take it easy for awhile." She said.

  "Yeah I know." I said as we approached the porch.

  I knocked on the door as Milo began barking. The sound of his bark made me so happy even after everything that has happened in the last 2 days. Mom walked to the door and opened it.

  "Hey." She said as she held it open for Grandma and I.

  We both walked in and Milo greeted us both. Mom closed the door behind her and followed us into the living room. I plopped down on the couch and sat there waiting for someone to say something.

  "What happened exactly?" Mom asked.

  "I..." I started and got cut off by Grandma.

  "Megan was coming down the stairs this morning and she slipped and toppled down all 16 steps." Grandma said.

  I glared at her. She usually isn't rude but, every once in awhile she can be and when she is it annoys the hell out of me.

  "Typical Megan." Mom said.

  "Thanks..." I said.

  "You have to admit honey you are a bit clumsy." Mom said.

  I am clumsy but, this time it wasn't me! I was pushed! I wanted to make myself sound less stupid but I couldn't manage myself too. If I told I never could live with the consequences that might come with it.

  "I know." I said.

  Grandma chuckled a bit and walked towards the door.

  "Take it easy on that arm like the doctor said okay?" Grandma said.

  "Okay." I said grabbed for the T.V. remote.

  "Mom how are you gettng home?" Mom asked Grandma.

  "Taxi?" Grandma said.

  "I'll drive you." Mom said as she grabbed her coat off the coat rack.

  "Megan do you mind staying here for about 5 minutes while I bring Grandma home?" Mom asked as she was grabbing her keys from the drawer.

  "Um..." I said un-sure.

  I want to go. I don't want to be here alone. Something might happen. Someone could break in, rape me, kill me, and the there's that other possiblity....

  "Can I go?" I asked as I threw the T.V. remote back on the coffee table.

  "I don't see why not but why? You always love being home by yourself." She said.

  "Well I've been thinking lately and al the creeps out there lately and stuff..." I lied.

  If I didn't have lieing abilities I don't know what I would do.

  We all got in Mom's Civic and headed to Grandma's house when we got there everything about the morning began replaying in my mind. Mom parked the car and I got out carefully closing the door so I didn't hurt my arm like I did on the taxi.

  Grandma lead us to her front door and surprisingly it was already open.

  "Okay..." I said. "This is a little creepy."

  "Call the police!" Grandma said.

  Mom reached for her pocket and started feeling the other one.

  "I left my phone at the house." She said.


  "What about you Megan?" Grandma asked. "You have your cell phone right?"

  I grabbed for my front left pocket where it always is and it wasn't there. It was in Grandma's house in the bag...

  "It's in your house in my day bag." I said.

  This could be bad...

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