Chapter 12

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  "Just jump!" Nathan yelled on the building below me holding his hands up as if he were to catch.

  "What if I miss?" I asked looking down. This was a farther fall than from the window. It made me even more nervous. This time I didn't have Tyler to shove me over either.

  "You'll be fine!" Nathan said. I winced as I went to jump but then stopped.

  "Oh come on." Nathan said.

  "I don't think I can..." I completely doubt this.

  "Just don't think about." Nathan told me as he looked up.

  I took in a deep breathe and sighed. I stood as straight as I could and closed my eyes. I got ready and imagined myself on the other side. I eased my hands over my head and into and together so they were now flat handed into my face.

  I heard Nathan laughed and it broke my focus.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Nothing... Just jump already." He said.

  "Don't rush me!" I yelled.

  I watched him as he fiddled with his pocket. He pulled something out.

  "It's been 7 minutes, I've given you plenty of time."

  I closed my eyes once more. I'm a feather, I'm a feather, I'm a feather. I pushed my feet off the ground and the lifeless feeling made my stomach sink. I'm a feather! I screamed inside my head. Within a few seconds I was on my feet. They stung and felt like rocks been pushed inside them because I was still barefoot.My feet killed  as I  could feel them now from my impact.

  I opened my eyes and I was a foot from Nathan.

  "Was it that bad?" He asked.

  I thought about it for a minute and it was. I t was actually kind of, fun...

  "Not as bad as I thought. My feet kill though." I replied. "So are we almost there yet?"

  "That's right I forgot you were barefoot sorry and almost." He said. He grabbed me hand and we started walking. The top of this building was bigger than the other.

   We walked to the edge of this building and Nathan came to a stop.

  "Have a look." He said.

  I looked up and you could see the mountains in the distance as it looked like the were rolling. The sun was beaming as it set leaving the pick and purple effect in the sky.

  I gleamed at it for what seemed like forever. The sight was breathe taking. I looked down and there was people walking by. They were so small. The road was flooded with car as they were smaller too.

  "Why did you bring me up here?" I asked turning to my right were he stood.

  "You need explanations don't you?" He said as he took our holding hands and twirled me around so he was holding my waist.

  My stomach had butterflies once more.

  "Yeah." I replied.

  "Well ask away." He said as he put his chin on my head.

  I was quiet for awhile as we both didn't say anything. I thought about what all had happened with today. Why I woke up in a freezer. Taylor talking about Jewels being the first. Bee saying she hated me for no reason. It.

  "Why does Bee hate me?" I asked.

  "She doesn't hate you, she's just jealous." Nathan spoke as every word vibrated on my head.

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