Chapter 17

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    Climbing is definitely not my specialty. I followed Nathan up the side of my Grandmother's house hoping that I wouldn't fall. I'm totally not the most coordinated person in the world. The roar of a motorcycle pumped in the distance as I threw my foot onto the second story roof feeling the sand-papery texture beneath my sweaty palm. 

   "Here." Nathan said offering me his hand. I took it in a thankful manner and pushed myself up. There was one window, straight ahead, that lead into my old "room."  I stood up meeting his eyes.

   "So what exactly is the plan from here?" I asked as I slid my converse back and forth across the roof trying to get familiar with the texture. 

   Suddenly the screen door slammed making us both jump. My Grandma's head appeared as she threw her purse over her shoulder causing the keys in her opposite hand to jingle. "Well at this point get down." Nathan whispered as I followed his instructions.

   "You're telling me you didn't plan this out before you played it?" I asked beginning to worry that we would get caught.

   "It was kind of a surprise at the moment thing, what did you expect me to do?"  He asked as he shot me a look. His voice was on edge as I get the thought that I'm beginning to irritate him with my questions. 

   I just shook my head. My stomach turned as I heard the car door shut and the engine come alive. I prayed silently in my mind she wouldn't see us. It seemed like the seconds took hours as she pulled out and faded in the distance out of sight. There was a feeling inside of me that longed to just jump off the roof  and chase down the street after her. My face slowly began to drop as I thought of all the ' what if's..'  and ' how come's..' 

  Nathan krept toward me wrapping one arm around my shoulder, "I know." is all he said like he understood my sudden change in mood.

  "We don't know when she's coming back. We have to move quick." He said as he moved away and back to the window area. I just sat there for a moment remembering when the last time I actually had a conversation with my Grandma.

  "Come on." Nathan said as I glanced back at him his body already through the window and into my old room. "You know she should really try keeping these windows locked."  I smiled a little and ade my way through. I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood.

  We walked through and opened the bedroom door taking a left down the hall to the storage room. 

   "Ready?" Nathan asked as my stomach turned once more. I can't believe we were actually doing this, let alone to my Grandmother's house. Breaking and entering.  I gave a nod as he began to turn the nob.

  As we both stepped in the air changed and was suddenly cooler than the rest of the house. I don't remember this when I was showed previously. I remember this room quite differently. It looks like things have been pushed and moved. Fresh spots of moved dust were on the floor like a box was pushed to the far corner.  Nathan cleared his throat and gave me a look of worry.

  "This might be tricky." He spoke staring at the floor. 

   It looked like this room hadn't been cleaned in years, let alone entered.

  "She must of just been in here." I said as I cold taste the mustiness in my mouth when I spoke.

   "Which means we can move anything too drastically." Nathan said as he stepped into the cleared spot from dust. "And don't make any new trails."  I nodded and stepped next to him.

   "Why would you move a box..?" I muttered to myself wandering to were it stood in the corner.

   "She must have hid something else. Something important..." Nathan said from the other side of the room from me.

  I shoved the box back to where it came from. as something fell onto the floor. Nathan's head snapped over to me. "Could you be any louder?"

   "Sorry." I replied.

  I picked the object up. It seemed like a metal box but whatever it was heavy. I began to examine it as I wiped some of the dust off. There was a key hole in the front and was embroidered with extremely fancy designs. Something valuable I would think. I glanced over at Nathan who was looking through plastic containers. "What about this? This looks weird right?" I asked bringing it to him.

  "This has to be it. Where did you find it?" He asked as he looked behind me.

  "Where the box was moved to, I shoved it back and it fell. It must have been behind it pushed against the wall." I replied pointing to the location.

"Which means she probably didn't find a permanent hiding spot, and she must of left to get something to.." He said fiddling with the box. "The key." He said, "We have to find the key."

  "Right.." I said as I turned around to hear the crackling of a car pulling in the driveway. You have got to be kidding me. I gave Nathan a worried look as we both began to scramble to put everything back to the way it was. The front door opened and I began to panic. Officially.

  "What the hell do we do now!?" I whispered. The sound of feet on the stairs began. 

  "Window. Now." He said and gave me a little push. "Quick, Ouick." He said moving me faster. I bursted out of the window sill catching my arm on the side. The sting ran through my arm and up to my shoulder.

  "Ow!" I said as winced in pain grabbing my arm. I ran to the side of the house where visually the window wasn't in sight.

  I heard the sound of the window shut as Nathan round th corner and joined me. "Are you okay?" He asked as he lifted my arm. Only the first layer peeled revealing my hidden flesh. 

  "Im fine." I said, "We have to get out of here!"

   "Not until I get that key." Nathan said.

  You have got to be kidding me! I seriously think he is insane..what have I gotten myself into?

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