Chapter 13

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  "Come Megan!" Someone said shaking me. "It's time to get up!"

  I opened my eyes and Taylor appeared infront of me. I stretched out and began my grumbling. "Yeah okay... 5 minutes." I groaned and rolled over.

  "No! You need to get up now!" Taylor yelled and began shaking me once more. I flipped my hand up and hit her shoulder.

  "Do you mind?!" I asked flipping up to a sitting position.

  "Yes I do." Taylor replied. "You hit me in the shoulder pretty damn hard."

  "Sorry." I said yawning. "What time is it?"

  "1 in the afternoon." Taylor replied.

  Wow. I think that's the latest I've ever slept to in my entire 17 years of life. 1 o'clock in the spankin' afternoon.

  "Wow." I replied. "I must have stayed up later than I thought reading."

   "I guess so." She said looking down at the floor. "Way to treat the book by the way."

  She bent down on her knees and picked up the brown book off the floor.

  "Sorry." I said once again.

  "It happens." She replied. She got up and wrapped the book around her chest. "By the way Nathan wants you ready in 20 minutes. I got you clothes ready, there over folded on the dresser." She smiled and walked out of the room.

  I don't like changing in here. I mean we only have a white sheet over the door frame. It covers most of the door way but left a quarter of it open so you could see atleast feet and maybe half of your lower leg.

  I sighed and flipped the sheets off me. I  groggily pulled myself over to the dresser and grabbed the pile of folded clothes that Taylor picked out for me.  I unfolded the top piece and it was a black V-neck. I through it over my arm. I grabbed the next and it was a white tank-top that had a vintage decoration around the top and bottom. Then last but not least a pair of dark blue shorts.

  I through it all back onto the dresser and began changing. I haven't had a shower in 2 days and my hair is starting to get greasy. I slid the black V-neck over my head and flipped my head down. I grabbed the hair-tie I always had on my wrist and pulled my hair into a pony-tail. My hair is dark brown and fairly short so it wasn't that difficult.

  After I was fully dressed I flipped the sheet and walked out into the hallway. Straight ahead was Nathan and Tyler's room. I wondered if I should go in? I forcefully decided not to for some reason and walked down the hallway looking at everybody's sheets. Nathan and Tyler's was grey,Harrison and Cod'y was tan, and Bee and Jewels's was black. Then I suddenly remembered that there was 3 other rooms. I wondered why they aren't used...?

  I walked into the kitchen and found Nathan sitting in at the breakfast bar. Tyler was sitting next to him.

  "Hey." He said as saw me enter the room. I looked around and Taylor was on the couch with Jewels as they were talking about something and Bee and Cory must not be awake yet.

  "Hi." I replied walking around the breakfast bar so I now was in the living room. He got up from the stool and approached me.

  "Ready?" He asked.

  He was wearing a plain black sweatshirt  with a hoodie and strings that adjusted it, dark blue jeans and sneakers. It might not sound like much but trust me he looked hot.

  "Um..." I wasn't so sure is I was, I mean I had no shoes... I looked down at my feet and he caught on and started laughing.

  "Right." He said.

  "Yeah..." I agreed.

  Tyler was already on it.

  "Hey Tay? Do you have some shoes that Megan could borrow?" Tyaler asked Taylor.

   "Um... I have a pair of black flats but that's it." She said.

  "Alright." Tyler replied.

  Taylor got up from the couch and went down the hallway. She reappeared seconds later with a pair of plain black flats in her hand.

  "I don't know what size you are, but you can try these." She said handing the flats to me kindly.

  "Thanks." I said.

  "Welcome!" She replied then went back to the couch where Jewels was waiting for her return.

  I took the left flat and pulled it on. It felt alright but I don't know how it would feel in a hour or so. I pulled the right one on and it seemed fine.

  "Are we ready now?" Nathan asked.

  "Yep." I replied.

  I just love how he takes me places without even telling me.

  I followed him out the door as he whispered in my ear, "Don't try running, you won't get far."

  Chills rolled down my back just like when I first saw him. He smiled and my heart began to race. I don't think I would run even if I could because one, I wouldn't want to be killed, and two because I like Nathan way to much to ever run away.

  He grabbed my hand and we walked through the alley. It seemed like forever before I saw a sidewalk and people walking by.

  "Where are we?" I asked.

  "Brooklyn." Nathan replied.

     My face dropped. Wow... I'm in Brooklyn, NY?! I live all the way in Ghent! I'm way to far from home....

  "Something wrong with Brooklyn?" He asked as he noticed my facial expression change.

  "Oh no, it's just a little too far from home." I explained.

  "I know." Nathan said wrapping his arm around me giving me a little hug. "Once you get through training you can go back."

  "How longs that going to take?"

  "Atleast a few weeks..." Nathan said.

  "Weeks?" I repeated.

  "Yeah." Nathan replied.

  We were quiet for quite some time, I didn't really know what to say or how to start a conversation finally Nathan broke the silence by saying, "Well you know, this is the perfect time to finish you questions."

  I looked at him and we both smiled.

  "Where are we going?" I asked.

  "To start your training." Nathan said smirking.

  Training? How do you.... train?

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