Chapter 3

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  I slowly opened my eyes and had to face the fact that I'm awake. I love sleep but it never seems like I get enough of it. I stretched my legs out and turned over. Milo was still in the same exact spot from when I first fell asleep. Actually his position didn't change at all but, it was a normal thing for him. He was a deep sleeper.

  I can't wait for today. I get to see Nathan. Mainly that's the only part of today that I'm excited about. Swimming...Yeah I mean it's fun to do but it can get boring after awhile and my hands get all pruned.

  I flipped the sheets off me and slowly got up to a sitting position. I stretched my arms and yawned. I got up and walked over to my closet and grabbed my slippers from the bottom. They were fluffy and blue. My favorite pair of slippers. I walked to my bedroom door and tried to open it without making any noise. I didn't want to wake Milo up because then I'd have to take him out and he would be barking like a mad man.

  I pulled the door open slowly as possible. I watched Milo intensely. I backed out slowly. Almost shut... and I tripped slamming the door shut. I immediately heard Milo barking after that. I got up and turned around to see what I tripped on and it was Milo's dog bone. I would be the one to do that.

  "Alright, alright, I hear ya." I grumbled.

  I opened the door and Milo bolted for the stairs. When he reached them he waited for me. I dragged my slippers across the floor towards the stairs. I could hear pans and water running from downstairs. I smelt bacon! I ran downstairs and into the kitchen.

  "Bacon?!" I asked with joy. I loved bacon.

  I glanced around and saw Mom standing over the stove while she was flipping a pan of bacon. Dad was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and a pancake reading the newspaper. Milo kept barking at me.

  "Yes honey." Mom said.

  "Take Milo out first." Dad said.

  I sighed and went over to the door. Milo followed my every step. I took his red leash off the hook and clipped it to his collar. The leash matched his collar perfectly.

  I opened the door and the morning chill bursted in on my skin. I was still in pajama shorts and a tank-top with slippers. I walked Milo out and closed the door behind me. I walked him back and around the yard and he settled for a nice bush this morning. I took him along the driveway back into the house. I opened the door and closed it quickly behind me. It was so chilly out. I know it would warm up quickly though.

  "Can you believe people today?" Dad said with the paper still in his hand.

  "What happened now?" Mom said placing a plate of bacon infront of Dad.

  "You know that world wide gang NLHG?" Dad asked Mom.

 Mom went back to the stove picked the pan up and dumped the extra grease into the sink.

  "Yeah, what about them?" Mom asked.

  "They killed 4 people down on Mill Street." Dad said.

  Mill street was about 20 to 25 minutes away from us. So i guess Dad was concerned? I decided to walk in finally. Milo still yet following me. I took a seat next to Dad as he was read that NLHG article. Mom walked over and handed me a plate of bacon.

  "Do you think that might be on the news?" Mom asked.

  Before she could even say another word I hopped up and took my plate of bacon into the living room. I grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned to channel 13. Milo hopped onto the couch and sat next to me eyeing my bacon. It was the news lady.

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