Chapter 18

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    This honestly, in my opinion couldn't get any worse. What was he thinking? This whole situation is ridiculous. In a way I kind of wish I had never met him. My life was Not so much anymore. I've always had this longing desire just to leave. Just to see what everybody would do without me..I really don't see what my purpose is being with Nathan. I don't serve any value here at all. Why can't I just be home? Hanging out with friends or even shopping with my Mom? I really just miss everybody and it feels like nobody cares about me..I've been gone to my aunt's house this whole time. What a lie that was. I can't believe nobody has tried to contact me this whole time. Unbelievable...

    * * *

    It was dark. The furious heat of this afternoon had faded away to be filled by gloomy moonlight and a few windy chills. My back ached and on the inside it was screaming for help. We've been sitting here all day waiting for my Grandma to leave once more. If she knew the box was missing the chances of her actually leaving for a good solid ten minutes is highly unlikely. So here I am just leaning back on the side of  solid ancient house with my arm still ringing with pain while Nathan fiddles with that one stupid box instead of trying to explain why we were out here in the first place! Why is he so fascinated with that thing anyways? It's a box that could barely fit my fist into it.

    "Can we just call it a night? She obviously isn't leaving anytime soon." I said as I shifted my position to face him. He was frustrated clearly. The look he gave me was as if I was a tiny fly that just kept coming back every time he swung at me.

    "Impatient are we?" He asked as he set the box down beside him. I could feel his breathe when he talked, warm and welcoming. Something that seemed a little odd to me. I don't think I ever have felt that before. We were squished together side by side in a little curve spot on the roof. Not exactly what I would call comfortable as I was reminded by my back every time I moved.

    "She isn't leaving." I said as I leaned over him grabbing the box on the other side of him as my back yelled out in pain. "What's so important about this anyway? I mean it's a box that anything of value could barely fit in. Why did Harrison attack you like that? You never explain anything to me!" I said as I put the box back down on his lap. His face fell down for a few moments like he was in shame for what happened.

    "I try the best I can. Everything is complicated..I'm sorry. The box has two key holes I just figured out. Ones a regular key and the othe ris some sort of circle..I'm guessing?" He said running his hand over mine. I pulled back as our eyes met.

    "I'm sorry to break it to you but, that is not an explanation I'm willing to accept. A box design wasn't what I was looking for. We've been here all day and all we did was small talk. I think you could owe me this since I'm the one who has camped out here all day with you..Fairs fair right?" I said as he began to smirk. Oh boy, I thought. Did I just say the wrong thing?

   "Well if fair is fair then don't I get something in return?" He said putting the box down on the roof.

   "I guess but, I get my explanation first because I'm the one who deserves my fair share the most." I said as the wind blew over us.  A sudden papery sound came from directly in front of me. "What the hell?" I asked. The fact of sitting in the dark has it's disadvantages like you can't see anything. I could only see a line of light that gleamed through the bedroom window on the roof a few feet over.

    "Damn leaf." Nathan says.

    "See the leaf agrees with me too!" He just laughed as I adjusted my position again.

   "Issues?" He said as he tapped my leg making sure I was alright.

    "Nope. Just getting comfortable for the long explanation." I said.

   "Right..So you were wondering about the whole Harrison thing right?" He asked. This conversation in the dark thing I kind of liked. I couldn't read any expressions just his voice and words. It seemed so pure to me.

    "Yes." I replied pulling down my sleeves as the wind blew over us once more.

    "Well the reason we were fighting is still kind of unknown for me at least. We were waiting for you girls to come meet us for breakfast and he just completely attacked me. He was mentioning earlier he had some weird feeling about you. He said he couldn't describe it with words. None of them were right to what he was feeling. He said it was sort of exotic he never felt this way before." He said as his voice grew quiet towards the end. Was he upset? My stomach lurchedwhen he spoke about Harrison's weird feeling toward me. What does this mean? I asked myself.

   "What did you say back?" I asked brushing his hand with mine.

   "I told him that whatever he was feeling he needed to keep it to himself and if he had the urge to hurt you or even lay a finger on you there would he trouble. Then thats when he threw the first punch." He said as he moved fixing his position.

    "I'm sorry that I caused all of this.." I said feeling sorry for what it did to everyone else.

    "Not your fault everything happens for a reason. In reality you didn't do anything wrong." He said playing with the ring on my finger. When did I put on a ring?

    "Well, I don't think I told you this but before this whole thing happened with you and me, Harrison pushed me down the flight of stairs here." I said remembering the painful fall and trip to the hospital.

    "Here as in right here? At your Grandma's?" He asked.

   "Yeah." I said.

   "Whatever is in this box has to deal with him then!" He said excitedly.

   "Has to be." I replied.

   "That just makes me want to open the damn thing more.." Nathan said as the light flicked off a few feet over.

  I could feel the smirk on his face..

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2012 ⏰

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