Chapter 16

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  Author note,

     Hello! Sorry I haven''t updated in almost 3 months. School has been so crazy and I haven't had enough time to write. Well for now, I managed to write a filly chapter. This is a filler. I felt really bad because my fans kept begging me for more. So now, here it is! READ ON!


"Well, how'd you do?" Taylor bounced as I walked through the door with Nathan.

  I froze.  Well, the fact that I ran for my life, and did nothing but absolutely scream out for Nathan the whole time, I did pretty good. Who was I kidding?

   I hesitated to open my mouth as I looked at Nathan.

  "She was...good for a first timer." Nathan said wrapping his arm around me.

  "Really...?" Emerson said rounding the corner. "I thought she'd be screaming like a 3 year old who didn't get her ice-cream from the truck." A smirk instantly grew upon his face.

  "Cool it dude." Nathan said.


  The rest of the week went by and training became gruesome. My body ached and was screaming for me to lay back down. From back flips to front flips, to having Harrison beat me like a pound of meat, Nathan still managed to smile at me the whole time.Today, we had plans to have breakfast together.

  Taylor and I were linked in arms walking down the streets of Brooklyn. The air was cool leaving a swirling smoke with every breath I took.

  "It got cold quick." Taylor said as I looked at her with confusion on my face.

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "Last week we were wearing shorts and T-shirts. Now were wearing pants and coats." She explained.

  I nodded in agreement. She was right. I guess Brooklyn weather has a mind of its own.

   The sound of glass breaking  and shattering broke out infront of us. Shards of glass flew towards us as we ducked and covered our heads.

  The sight made me want to run. Emerson was ontop of Nathan as they threw fists at eachother. Taylor and I began screaming and running towards them.

  Taylor threw her arm out infront of me. " You can't be here!" She shouted and grabbed my arm and pulled me the other way.

  "Stop!" I yelled pulling back. "What the hell do you mean?"

  " I'll explain later." Taylor tugged on my arm once more.

  "No, there is so many secrets that I don't know and it isn't fair! My boyfriend is being beaten by yours! I demand to know what the fuck is going on right now!' I  yelled.

  I looked back and the sight was horrid. Sirens echoed around in the air. A crowd began to form around the two.

  "Taylor! NOW!" I yelled.

  "You know how Emerson pushed you an all down the stairs?"

  "What does that have anyt-" I got cut off.

  "He had a reason." She quickly spoke.

  'What does that have to do with him being the crap out of Nath-..." The sirens we close. My feet  were picked up from under me. The familiar sent of lilacs filled my nose. I looked up as Nathan had me in his arms running away from Taylor, Emerson, and the sirens in the background. Nothing is making sense.

  "What are you-?"

  "He wants to hurt you." Nathan said before I could even finish my sentence.


  "You know something we don't. You have to tell me whats in that storage room at your grandmas." He said.

  The storage room? My grandma's? What the hell....

  "I don't know what you're talking about!" I said.

  "I guess we'll have to go and find out then."

   In life things are supposed to make sense and link struggles together. My life now nothing makes sense or links together.

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