Chapter 10

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  Taylor she was sweet, nice, and pretty. I've been sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing for 2 hours. All I knew was there was more people to come.  Taylor was becoming a great friend. We talked about random stuff, our last names, pets, favorites. She told me her last name was Field. I thought it was different. It's the first time I ever heard that last name. When I told her mine was Mace she laughed and said that last name is awesome. I asked her why and she said because it gives me the right to say I can mace someone in the face. Between conversations Tyler was yelling at her to stop talking to me but after every so 20 minutes she would come back and yes, she was dating Tyler...

  I heard a few loud thuds on the door and everyone looked. The tall man went and opened it and 4 other people flowed in.

  "Jesus Christ what did you do Claw?!" A tan buff boy said as he walked into the room. Claw... so that's the tall man's name.

  "What do you mean?" Claw asked the boy. As a girl with beautiful cheek bones, tan skin, and long dark brown hair walked in behind him.

  "Did you watch the news over the last few days?" He asked as he pointed to the T.V.

  "No, why?" Claw replied.

  "Someone fucking saw you!" The boy yelled. "They have a description!"

  Nathan walked over and said, "Would you all just calm down? We have more issues right now." Then he hinted his head towards me.

  "Oh lord just fuck me!" He said throwing his hands up into the air. "We have to go through this again?!"

  Again? That means they've done this before? I got startled by Taylor who must of slowly slipped behind Tyler who got up to talk to Claw.

  "That's Harrison." Taylor said as she took the seat next to me on the couch pointing low at the tan buff boy.

  "He seems angry." I said.

  Taylor giggled. "He gets flamed easily."

  "Good to know?" I wondered.

  "Yeah. See that girl behind him?" She said pointing low to the pale skinned girl.


  "That's Julia but we call her Jewels." Taylor said.

  "Jewels?" I asked. That's a odd nickname.

  "Yeah she was the first." Taylor said.

  The first? The first of what?

  Right after Taylor finished her sentence a boy with tan hair and brown eyes walked in with a girl who had long tan hair and dark brown eyes and pale skin. That made me loose the thought.

  "That's Bethany and Cory." Taylor said. "We call Bethany Bee though."

   "Why?" I asked.

  "She can be a bitch sometimes." Taylor said.

  I laughed. Then I heard shuffling behind me as I looked over Nathan was coming towards us.

  "Come with me." He said looking at me holding out his hand. I didn't know what to say to I just looked at Taylor who nodded her head. I guess that meant take his hand? In that case I did. That butterfly feeling came back into my stomach. I blushed.

  "Back here Nathan." Claw called as he walked to the book-shelf. Nathan went to Claw as I shuffled my feet along with him. His hands were so soft.

  Claw reached for a maroon colored book and the shelf turned. I didn't know what to think of it. I stared back at Taylor who was now holding hands with Tyler following behind us. Actually everyone was holding hands with each-other... Harrison and Jewels, Taylor and Tyler, and Cory and Bee. They were all following us. Nathan started walking again as i looked at Taylor once more. She was like my guide on what to do. She just smiled. I didn't know what to make of that either so I just smiled back.

  We walked through the side of the book case and there was cement stairs. Claw was leading us as Nathan and I held hands following him as everybody did behind us. I find it weird that everybody was holding hands...

  As reached the top of the stairs there was a room with a long table with about 20 black chairs. Nathan lead me to a seat and pulled it out for me. He let go of my hand and I took the seat. He took the one right next to me. Taylor pulled Tyler towards me as she quickly took the chair on the other side of me. Everybody filed in and only left Claw on the other side of the table.

  "I think it's already obvious that it has happened again." Claw spoke as he folded his hands as he looked at Bee who glared at him crossing her arms like she was un-happy about something.

  Why did he note it so much? What in the hell is 'it'?

  "The rest of you..." Claw talked on as he looked at Harrison then at Tyler, "Will need to get used to that fact the she is here."I looked at Bee who just rolled her eyes.

  "I don't expect you to be kissing asses but show her some respect." Claw said as he looked at Bee once more.

  I just kind of shrunk into my chair as I knew all of this was the subject of me.

  "Questions?" Claw asked.

  Everybody began yelling out at once. I just sat there.

  "Alright!" Claw yelled as he put his hands up. Everybody immediately shut up. "One at a time!"

  "Taylor." Claw said.

  "Now that she's here can she share a room with me?" She asked. Then looked at me smiling.

  Woah wait, that means I'm going to live here?!

  "I don't see why not." Clawr eplied.

  "Yay!" Taylor said.


  "Who's going to tell her it?" Jewels asked Claw.

  "I think Nathan can handle it." Claw said as he glanced at me.

  I glanced at Nathan who was looking at Claw. When he noticed I was looking at him he looked back as our eyes glued for one more time. Then when Claw spoke our look broke away.


   "Does that mean she's going to have to go through the training?" Harrison asked. Jewels giggled like she obviously knew the answer already.

  Training? Training for what?

  I looked over to Taylor and leaned down and whispered, "What are they talking about?" I asked.

  She leaned down and replied, " Nathan will fill you in."

   I shook my head. Why does everybody refer to Nathan?


  She turned towards me and put her hands on the table. "Just to let you know, I hate you!." She said in a furious tone. I leaned back in the chair as she was only 3 seats away from me.

  "Bee!" Claw yelled.

  Bee got up and shoved her chair back sending it across the room as she angrily walked out of the room smashing the wall as she left.

  "Bee!" Cory yelled as he got up chasing after her. After he flew out of the room it was complete silence. I looked at Nathan worriedly as he grabbed my hand once more reassuring me.

  "I think we're done for now." Claw said as he got up from his chair.

  I looked over at Taylor who was now getting up and walking beside Tyler as the were talking about something.

  Nathan got up as I lifted myself to keep our hands together. He pushed in his chair with his other hand as I did too. We began to walk out as I heard Bee yelling, " No!" I squeezed Nathan's hand as I began to get nervous that she was going to come back up here and rip my face off.

  "Don't worry she's just jealous." He said as we began walking down the stairs.

  "Oh." I said.

  Bee is jealous of me? How could she be jealous of me...?

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