On top of you

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If this is your first time here, hello! Now, first things first: Up till chapter Christmas Lights, this book was written by a teenage girl with hormones up the roof and bad spelling. So if you want to cringe, you can start here. If not, go to Christmas Lights. Thank you♡

I loved him even before he regenerated. I loved his blue eyes and black leather, his wide smile and the way he said "Fantastic". I loved him for who he was, who he is and will ever be.
The Doctor.
The only person in this galaxy who changed me. Who made me stronger and opened my eyes.
I've been traveling with him for two years, and every adventure we had together made me fall more and more in love with him.

After he regenerated it felt weird. His childish reactions and young face...it felt like it wasn't him anymore. Like he wasn't the Doctor.
But after time, I realized it's still the same man I fell in love with...and I wanted to tell him.
Those feelings were crawling inside me and I couldn't resist anymore.
'You can do it Rose!' I said to myself as I walked towards the console room. 'Just say it! If he's not going to accept them, you'll still remain friends!'

As usual, he was wearing his brown suit with gold stripes, his red converse and brown coat. He was wearing his sexy glasses, which I am sure they are not even real, and his gorgeous hair was perfectly styled.
As he turned around, my little single heart skipped a beat. He came towards me, sonic in his hand, and smiled.

"So, where do you want to go?"

I replied with a smile too, tongue between my teeth. I wasn't ready to respond to his question, because my head was all filled with 'Tell him, stupid girl!' , so I acted normal, replying without thinking.
"Well, I thought we could..you know, go and visit mum."

His wide smile faded away and a disappointed look made its way on his face.
"Are you sure, Rose? I mean, we could go visit Belbo or Dailik. Those are two beautiful plane-"
"No no. I am sure." I cut him off "Even so, I miss her. I want to see her."
"So be it then."

The Doctor smiled at me then ran towards the console, where he pressed some buttons and as the TARDIS made its beautiful sound, I knew it was time to hang onto something.
So I grabbed a big metal like lever and tried to stay put, as the time machine moved to the right and left, making me feel a bit sick.

As always, the Doctor started to laugh out loud.
"I can't believe you still don't know how to fly her!!" I screamed through laughs.
"Oi! You are being mea-"

The next second I opened my eyes, i felt a bump and something soft under me. As I took another closer look, my cheeks started to burn as I realized I was on top of the Doctor, who was hardly breathing.
We were staring into each other's eyes and I can say I was feeling his hot breath against my mouth.

I was lost, because nobody was making any move and it was stressful, not for being on top of him, but because of my naughty thoughts and the urge of snogging him right there.
'I could take the chance, but what if he refuses?' I asked myself.
Thinking twice about the decision I had to do, I just threw it in the trash and tried to get up. 'It could be a mistake.'

"Um..So..Sorry, Doctor."
I moved two centimeters upwards and lifted myself, but something pressed my back, which made me fall again upon him.

"Wha-? Sorry. Doctor? Was it you?" I asked him turning my face. His hand was softly touching my back, making little circles on top of it.
I looked again at him to see his reaction, and instead of what I was waiting for, he sent me a concerned look.
"Are you hurt?" asked the Doctor looking me in the eyes.
"No. I don't think so."
"Are you sure? Because I am measuring your heart beats, and they are as fast as you're in pain." he replied.

Of course my heart beats are faster than usual!! What is he thinking? I am standing right on top of the man I love, not knowing what to do next!

"N-no. I am ok. I am not in pain." I quickly replied.
"Rose Marion Tyler! Could you possibly be embarrassed by what's happening right now?!"
"WH-WHAT? Of course not! Why would I be? I m-mean it's not something unusual for you, not to know how to fly the TARD..IS."

The Doctor softly smiled, then leaned in closing the distance between our mouths. He was brushing his lips against mine, and as I closed my eyes, I knew I couldn't go back anymore. I was to desperate to feel him.
I breathed against his mouth as I opened mine and felt a sweet flavor as the Doctor completely connected us, through a sweet kiss.
It was a nice one, soft and tasty, but I had my desires and it wasn't enough. He can say anything now, I don't care anymore.

I took his tie and leaned in more, as I opened my mouth and deepened the kiss, making him moan.
I proudly smiled then got to action again, as he moved himself on top of me, opening his mouth and waiting for me to let him in.
This feeling was a really hot one, because I could feel the blood rushing through my veins, and my whole body respond to every touch he pressed on me.

My hands made their way into his gorgeous hair and started to ruffle it, while his both hands were all over my body, trying to open my jacket.

"Wait." i whispered.
He stopped then looked confused at me. His look was so funny, his hair devastated and lips so red from my lipstick.
"What?" he finally asked. "Am I..Am I doing something wrong? Oh my god, Rose, I am so so sorr-"
"I love you, Doctor." I cut him off. "I..I don't know if you're going to accept it, but I really do love yo-"

He quickly pressed a kiss on my lips, making me moan.
"I love you too, Rose Tyler."

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