After War

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She had never been that broken before.
She has been stubborn, happy, sad, in pain and in love, but she had never been that broken. Not like that.
Turning around, she received a warm hearted embrace from Jackie.

"He left me, mum." she whispered whilst tears rolled down her cheeks. The image of the disappearing Doctor was still clear on her mind. "He's gone."

She would've screamed if she could, but scream was not enough to let that pain melt away. And when she fell onto her knees, the freezing sand had made her shiver. Rose bent down, her forehead touching the wet ground. With a hand on her stomach, she tried to breathe. She had to be strong and she knew it well; for him, for the Doctor.

"Come on, sweetheart." Jackie made her daughter stand. "I know it hurts. But that's good, right?" Jackie wiped the tears off Rose's cheeks, then looked her in the eyes. "It means you love him, and that's why it was worth it. The Doctor knew best, and he'd want you to live, start a new life."

"How?" Rose sobbed. "How could I forget?"

"You don't. You carry all these memories with you, because they make you stronger. They make you who you are." Jackie sighed. "Now, let's go home. Shall we?"

Pfhew, it's been a while, huh?
I was in class just the other day and thought I should do something creative. Hope you liked it.

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